A Balanced Diet To Lose Weight

Forget fad diets. Eating a healthy diet is the best way to lose weight and avoid the yo-yo effect. 

Exercise and a balanced diet are the two keys to having a healthy lifestyle and having a weight that is between the ideal values ​​of the body mass index (BMI).

Discover here the basic principles of a balanced diet in order to lose weight.

The basics of a balanced diet for weight loss  balanced diet

In general and regardless of the desired objective, a balanced diet is based on four basic principles.

  • Variety: Our diets should include all food groups, so that we can provide our body with all the nutrients it needs to function well.
  • Frequency: Eating regularly and frequently while controlling the amounts is one way to maintain hormonal balance and energy balance.
  • Moderation: regardless of the desired objective, but especially with a view to losing weight, it is essential to eat in moderation because, per unit of time, the body has the capacity to assimilate and use energy and nutrients limited.
  • Hydration : all the chemical reactions that regulate our metabolism occur in an aqueous environment. This is why it is essential to bring water to our body regularly throughout the day. Plus, water is a great way to control appetite and encourage feelings of fullness.

The different types of foods that form the basis of a balanced diet for weight loss

Although there are no foods with “negative calories,” if your goal is to lose fat, you should focus on low-calorie foods that produce a feeling of fullness while providing nutrients.

  • Fruits and vegetables: these foods are low in calories and are the ones that contain the most vitamins and minerals.
  • Fish, eggs and meats: although these foods have a certain amount of fat, their amino acid content is essential to protect tissues as well as the functioning of the metabolism.
  • Dried fruits and legumes: these foods have many nutrients and thus provide a lot of energy. In addition, the absorption of these nutrients is very slow, which is very beneficial for hormonal control.
  • Rice: it is a fundamental food for weight loss, especially if you use brown rice. With this ingredient you can, moreover, prepare a large amount of healthy dishes.

Foods to avoid for weight loss balanced diet

Roughly speaking, the foods to avoid are those that provide a large amount of energy quickly. This is the case for sugar, refined flour present in the majority of pasta, breads and rice, as well as refined rice.

These foods cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, which stimulates the production of insulin, which responds by introducing sugar into the muscles.

Although at first it may seem positive, these products also stimulate the introduction of this energy into adipocytes, cells specializing in fat storage.

Some tips to encourage weight loss as part of a balanced diet 

The key to losing weight is to induce a negative energy balance. To do this, we must  consume fewer calories than those we burn, and these calories must come from foods of good nutritional quality.

Exposing your body to excessive calorie restriction can have negative repercussions and thus trigger the yo-yo effect. Our body defends itself against the lack of energy by assimilating it in the form of fat, and any result obtained will be lost.

In addition, physical exercise is an essential tool for stimulating the body’s energy expenditure. In addition, physical exercise optimizes the use of certain nutrients.

Regular physical activity also improves the quality of sleep and reduces stress. These benefits promote effective and lasting weight loss. We recommend that you do specific exercises to lose weight.

With all these tips, you will succeed in losing weight!

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