8 Effective Remedies To Put An End To Styes

It is essential not to try to burst the stye, because the bacteria which causes it could spread inside of the eye and cause more sties.

Styes are infections that appear near the eye, caused by bacteria that can affect us in several ways.

External styes usually appear in the sebaceous glands that are found at the edges of the eyelids, at the base of the eyelashes, or in the sweat glands.

On the other hand, internal styes are those that appear on the inner surface of the eyelid.

These infections are often accompanied by a reddish protuberance. They fill with water and pus, but must not be burst.

The release of the bacteria will only cause the styes to spread and multiply.

And the new stye tends to be more painful. The good news is that it does not pose a threat to the function of your eye or to your health in general. 

A stye tends to last around a week. Then it breaks down naturally, without causing any damage, when the immune system neutralizes the bacteria.

It is very rare for complications to occur, but if they do, it can irritate the cornea and lead to infection or deformation of the eyelid.

Symptoms that indicate a possible appearance of a stye are as follows:

  • The feeling of a drooping eyelid
  • The blush on the lash line
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Excessive eyelid blinking
  • Uncontrollable tears
  • Blurred vision

Why do styes appear?

Bacterial infections are the main cause of this ailment. These so-called infections are caused by blockage of the sebaceous glands in the eye. 

Just as acne forms on the face, chest, or neck, when these glands become blocked they allow the infection to develop further.

Here are the other factors that facilitate their occurrence:

  • Lack of hygiene
  • Poor diet
  • Touching your eyes too much
  • Use of infected towels
  • The dehydration
  • Immune deficiency

Home remedies for styes


Garlic juice provides quick relief from the infection.

It will help you enjoy rapid healing thanks to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

You only have to crush two cloves of garlic and apply a juice of their juice on the affected eyelid. Its properties will be absorbed and will act even if the stye is internal.

When applying, be careful that the juice does not get into the eye. Better to help yourself with a slightly moistened cotton swab.


Since it contains a series of astringent properties, it can reduce inflammation and swelling. At the same time, it prevents too much blood from coming into the affected area.

You only have to grate a potato, put some on a gauze and gently press on the affected eyelid. This will make the stye go away quickly.

Have good hygiene

Hygiene against styes.

Poor hygiene habits are among the main causes of the appearance of styes.

If you have a developing stye or they appear constantly, you need to make an effort to keep the area around the eyes always clean. 

This will ensure that dirt and bacteria do not accumulate there.

Chamomile and green tea

After you have had a cup of green tea or chamomile tea, store the sachets in the refrigerator. When they are cold, apply them directly to the eyes.

The antioxidant compounds found in tea quickly fight infection, and help you clear the stye. 

The aloe vera

It is a very well-known substance, and you surely already know its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Gel from the inside of the aloe vera leaves can help if you apply it directly to the infected eyelid.

You only have to rub a small amount of this crystal gel twice a day until your eye recovers. 


Despite the bad reputation it enjoys as it makes you cry, onion contains a high content of antioxidants and antibacterial agents that can quickly kill bacteria. 

Just like potatoes, you only have to chop several pieces of onions, put them on a gauze and dab the compress against the affected eyelid.

Don’t be afraid if you can’t stop crying – it means it works!


The active ingredients in this herb can help you detoxify the stye and remove bacteria and pus. This speeds up the healing process and reduces inflammation and swelling.

Put the parsley leaves to a boil and apply the resulting tonic lotion when it has cooled.


Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can be of great benefit to your eye.

  • Mix a little water with turmeric and bring it to a boil. 
  • This will give you a remedy that you can apply to the stye with a clean cloth.
  • If you do it two or three times a day, you speed up the healing process.

Even though most styes are harmless, no one can deny that they are irritating and can get complicated in some cases.

So, if you notice them regularly, it’s best to see your eye doctor to make sure they’re not bigger issues.

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