4 Seeds With Strong Anti-cancer Power

Thanks to their properties, different seeds can act as very effective supplements in prevention and chemotherapy treatments, although they cannot replace them in any way .

Several investigations have shown that nature  offers many substances with strong anti-cancer power that do not produce negative side effects.

Chemotherapy is still the most widely used technique to fight this disease today. However, it has been verified to damage healthy cells and organs that are not affected.

Many people are aware that they can prevent this disease. They therefore learn about the best foods to ingest so as not to suffer from it.

The main objective of natural alternatives is to reduce the likelihood of developing this disease.

They also strengthen the immune system. They also sometimes help us stop the growth of malignant cells. 

The following 4 types of seeds have been shown to be effective in the fight against cancer. Discover them!

1. Apple seeds

Apple seeds are considered by many experts to be the most powerful natural ingredients in the fight against cancer.

But… why does nobody know? It seems that some organizations do not want the general public to know about it. They want to develop synthetic drugs that generate high profits.

However, research has shown that these seeds have an action that can inhibit the growth of malignant cells in different types of cancer, such as cancers:

  • Colon
  • Lung
  • Prostate
  • Pancreas
  • Breast
  • From the stomach

The phytochemicals in these seeds have been shown to be a thousand times more effective in stopping the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a chemotherapy drug used around the world.

The amazing thing is that this type of therapy destroys the cells that generate cancer but does not threaten healthy cells. 

Although apple seeds contain very little cyanide, they can be fatal if eaten in too large amounts.

2. Grape seeds

The extract obtained from grape seeds is a rich source of antioxidants, bio-flavonoids and an active compound known as B2G2, whose action in the body could fight carcinogenic cells.

In the past, it was believed that the bioactive compounds present in the grape seed extract had the ability to selectively attack several groups of carcinogenic cells, but today it has been confirmed that it is B2G2. that creates this effect.

Everything indicates that this product damages the environment which needs cells to grow, by altering its DNA through the increase of reactive oxygen species.

Grape seeds can therefore reduce the growth of malignant tumors by 67%.

3. Flax seeds

Thanks to their high content of lignans, flax seeds also find their place in the list of foods with strong anti-cancer action.

They have been shown to play an important role in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, in addition to acting as phytoestrogens.

This ingredient has become popular in recent years. It has the power to stimulate apoptosis in cancer cells while inhibiting angiogenesis, which could prevent metastasis.

In addition, flax seeds are significant sources of alpha-linoleic acid, a type of essential omega-3 fatty acid that is believed to work against cancer and other chronic diseases.

4. Apricot kernels

Apricots contain a significant amount of vitamin B17, the action of which in the body has an anti-cancer effect.

This vitamin is excellent for preventing disease but also for patients who suffer from it.

To consume these seeds, the pit must be opened using a hammer. Then eat only the almond that is inside.

The source of vitamin B17 is much better in apricots because the supplements found on the market do not contain the enzymes and cofactors that this food can provide.

To reduce its bitter taste, simply mix it with a pinch of nutmeg, raw barley or grated coconut.

To know !

All these seeds demonstrated their anti-cancer action. However, science has yet to prove that they can cure cancer per se.

We therefore recommend  their regular consumption as a method of prevention or as an adjunct to treatment against the disease.

Additionally, these seeds should be taken under medical supervision and in minimal amounts as some could have negative effects if taken excessively.

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