The Benefits Of Drinking A Glass Of Rice Water

Although you can get rice water by soaking it in water for several hours, the best way to ‘benefit is by using the cooking water.

Rice water is a vegetable drink that can be easily prepared at home, although it can be found in many stores and supermarkets today. Part of the reason for this is the popularity it has gained since its nutritional value became known.

Rice has always been popular in alternative cosmetics as one of Japan’s great beauty secrets, as it is consumed and used in a variety of ways to heal skin and hair.

And what exactly does this cereal bring? What are the benefits of consuming or applying rice milk to skin and hair? Let’s see that below.

What are the uses of rice milk? What does this cereal bring?

rice water

Experts from the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition indicate that rice is a food rich in starch, which also has a low protein intake (7%), and contains notable amounts of niacin or vitamin B3 and vitamin B6. Therefore, the resulting drink is considered healthy.

Therefore, the consumption of rice milk would provide these nutrients and contribute to the health of the whole body in general. On the other hand, it is considered that by applying the milk to the hair or skin, it is possible to cleanse, soften and hydrate them to improve their appearance.

However, it is important to clarify one point: contrary to what some people think, this drink is not obtained after washing the rice, but is the product of its cooking.

In the realm of folk wisdom, there are those who consume rice milk as a natural remedy to relieve minor ailments, like diarrhea, for example. On the other hand, there are those who consume it regularly to provide the body with additional nutrients.

We want to share with you below all the benefits you can get from it when you consume it regularly, as part of a balanced diet and, in general, a healthy lifestyle.

A good source of energy

woman drinking a glass of milk

Drinking a glass of rice water in the morning can be one of the best ways to reap the benefits of rice water to start your day. It is rich in carbohydrates. Which means it gives the body all the energy it needs. It is also recommended for times when one feels physically and mentally tired. 

A good supply of vitamins and minerals

During the cooking process, rice loses a large part of its nutrients in the water, and the drink is therefore fortified with group B vitamins, folic acid and some essential minerals.

It is therefore recommended to prepare it with white rice. Because it is the variety that releases the most properties during cooking.

This water is recommended for athletes. Indeed, it is a healthy alternative to ingest the nutrients that we lose during training.

To prevent constipation

Its high fiber and water content helps soften bowel movements to strengthen the expulsion of stool in cases of constipation. In addition to this, it is important to know that its starches are beneficial for the development of the intestinal flora.

To avoid dehydration

Dehydration is a very dangerous condition. Indeed, it can alter the functioning of the most important systems of the body. Certain illnesses, excess sweating and other factors can cause this condition.

Since it is so rich in essential minerals, rice water is a great alternative to rehydrate the body in these situations. 

Against fever

In many Asian cultures, the benefits of rice water are used to prevent water loss in cases of fever. Its consumption recharges the body with essential nutrients and accelerates the patient’s recovery process. 

Against diarrhea

One of the most popular applications of rice water is as a remedy for diarrhea. Both in adults and in children. Its anti-diarrheal properties have the ability to reduce pain, cramps and other symptoms.

In addition, thanks to its high starch content, it serves to protect the intestinal mucosa which is affected by this situation. 

6. Protects from the sun

Thanks to its high content of a substance known as orizanol, this drink is used to protect the skin against the negative effects of UV rays from the sun. It is also rich in an element called inositol. This encourages the production of cells that delay the signs of aging.

How to prepare rice water?

There are people who prepare rice water by soaking the cereal in water for several hours. While it works too, the best way to get all of its nutrients is to prepare it with the cooking method. 


  • ½ cup of white rice (100 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Boil the water, add the rice and cook over low heat for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Once it’s ready, separate the rice from the water and pour it into a glass container.

rice milk

Way of consuming

  • The ideal is to start with a drink on an empty stomach and then consume the rest during the day.
  • For a beauty treatment, it is advisable to cool it in the refrigerator and apply it with a clean cloth or cotton.

In some countries, cinnamon and honey are added to this water for an original touch. It is also used as a base to prepare smoothies or to consume with dried fruits.

Motivate yourself to add it to your diet and enjoy all the benefits of rice water.

  • Burlando, B., & Cornara, L. (2014). Therapeutic properties of rice constituents and derivatives (Oryza sativa L.): A review update. Trends in Food Science and Technology .

  • Mitchell, CR (2009). Rice Starches: Production and Properties. In Starch .

  • Shao, Y., & Bao, J. (2015). Polyphenols in whole rice grain: Genetic diversity and health benefits. Food Chemistry .

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