Fight Colitis Effectively With These 6 Home Remedies

Carrot is one of the most effective remedies for controlling colitis. Its anti-inflammatory compounds and fiber intake help us relieve pain and prevent fatigue.

Colitis is a digestive disorder produced by inflammation of the large intestine or rectum. This area, the lowest in the intestine, exhibits alterations in the mucous membrane that covers it and then generates a series of negative reactions which include severe pain and diarrhea.

It is estimated that at least 60% of affected patients are women, and that in addition most of them are under 40 years of age.

Even though it usually happens sporadically and mildly, many people need to seek medical help because they suffer from it on a recurring and chronic basis.

So far no cause has been established to explain its appearance. However, it is believed to be linked to eating habits, genetic issues, and taking certain medications.

Fortunately there are natural remedies that do not cause side effects. They can help relieve the symptoms of colitis before they cause other types of complications.

As such we want to share with you the 6 best remedies so that you can benefit from them if you suffer from this condition.

Fight Colitis With These Home Remedies

1. Natural yogurt

 Natural yogurt against colitis

Natural yogurt is one of the best natural remedies for the treatment of colitis. After its absorption, the intestine is fortified by living cultures offered at its natural pH.

This group of healthy bacteria helps create lactic acid, a substance necessary for the proper removal of harmful toxins that lodge in this part of the body.

Moreover, these qualities confer positive effects on immune health by increasing the response to infectious agents that invade the body.

How to use it ?

  • Consume a glass of natural yogurt per day
  • Incorporate natural yogurt into your fruit and vegetable smoothies.

2. Potato juice

The alkaline power of potato juice is a great ally in combating ulcerative colitis and episodes of diarrhea.

Its richness in starch and natural fibers helps improve intestinal activity by controlling colon activity.

Its consumption calms abdominal pain and also decreases the accumulation of gases and acids.

How to use it ?

  • Grate a raw potato, place it in a colander and consume its juice.
  • Repeat the doses 2 to 3 times a day.

3. Rice water against colitis

 Rice water against colitis

Rice water, that which is prepared without seasoning, is a prebiotic remedy that helps regulate the natural pH of the intestine.

Its starches decrease irritation of the colon and since they increase the presence of healthy bacteria, they help relieve symptoms such as dyspepsia and gas.

In addition, thanks to its content in vitamins and minerals, it is one of the best allies to replace the nutrients lost during diarrhea.

How to use it ?

  • Boil a few spoons of rice in a large saucepan, then when it boils remove it and wait for it to rest.
  • Once the temperature is suitable for consumption, strain the contents through a colander and drink one or two glasses per day.

4. Linseed water against colitis

The natural fibers in flax are of great help in the treatment of bowel problems.

Its nutrients, fatty acids and antioxidants decrease inflammation and also promote optimal waste elimination.


  • 1 teaspoon of flax (10g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How to use it ?

  • Submerge a teaspoon of flax seeds in a glass of water and let them soak overnight.
  • The next day, when it has acquired a gelatinous consistency, place it in a colander and then consume it.
  • Take a glass on an empty stomach every day until symptoms are relieved.

5. Carrots against colitis

Carrot is a vegetable rich in fiber

Carrot is a vegetable rich in fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds that control irritation and pain.

It has prebiotic properties that feed the bacterial flora that protects the colon.

Its nutrients help to avoid the weakness of the body in the face of chronic conditions of diarrhea or vomiting.

How to use it ?

  • Prepare a natural carrot juice by using an extractor to collect the juice from this vegetable.
  • Additionally, cook the vegetable in water without salt and, when it is soft, prepare a puree.
  • Consume it once a day until the colitis is relieved.

6. Bananas against colitis

Bananas contain a type of soluble fiber known as pectin. After absorption in the intestine, it helps to balance its pH to relieve diarrhea and constipation.

In addition, its high levels of potassium and magnesium help balance the body’s electrolytes, which almost always deteriorate due to this condition.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon of bee honey (7.5g)

How to use it ?

  • Flatten the banana, mix it with a teaspoon of honey and consume everything.
  • You can also use bananas in your smoothies or consume several pieces per day.

Do you suffer from this state of health? So choose from these recommended remedies and consume them to relieve this painful problem.

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