5 Signs Of Hunger In Your Baby

Babies cannot speak to communicate when they are hungry or feeling full. However, they have the ability to carry the message to parents. It’s all about learning to interpret the signs.

For parents of young babies, everything is new and unfamiliar. Even when it comes to food. But there are certain signs of hunger in the baby that can guide these moments of doubts and worries.

In this article, we suggest you discover some of these signs to know if your little one is hungry or if he has all the necessary nutrients for his correct development.

What are the main signs of hunger in a baby?

As most infant feeding experts saybreast milk is the best food for a baby. Or powdered milk if breastfeeding is not possible for one reason or another.

Meals should be given at the request of the newborn and the main guide is the feeling of hunger of the baby. It is therefore necessary to learn to interpret these signs of hunger, but also of satiety. At first it may seem complicated, but as the days go by, all parents and educators find their way.

Although each case is unique, there are certain signs of hunger that generally apply to all children.

1. The baby seeks the breast

If the baby is in your arms and  brings his head closer to the chest or breast, he is hungry  and wants to find the breast. He can also move his head from side to side as if searching for food.

2. He is more active

When hungry, babies are often more awake and more attentive to what is going on around them. He’s constantly on the move. This indicates that he is hungry because this sensation makes him more aroused.

A baby sucking on the breast.

3. The baby is trying to breastfeed

A hungry child performs sucking movements with the mouth. Even if he doesn’t have a pacifier, toy or rattle. It is also common that he brings his hands to his mouth and sucks them insistently.

4. He sticks out his tongue

Clicking with the mouth as well as movements of the tongue can also be a sign  of a need or a desire to eat. Sometimes the noise is very soft and almost imperceptible.

5. The baby cries and fidgets

The crying of a baby are almost always a sign that something is wrong. Sometimes they are due to the feeling of hunger. However,  crying indicates that the baby has been hungry for a long time.

If this is the case, it is best to calm him down before breastfeeding or bottle-feeding him, otherwise he will be too nervous to enjoy his meal. In addition, he may swallow more air than normal and then suffer from gas problems and discomfort.

How do you know if a baby is still hungry after a meal?

Identifying when the baby wants to eat is one of the main concerns of parents. However, the doubts do not end there. Indeed, another concern may arise. Whether the baby has eaten enough or is still hungry. In this case, it can also be learned with the interpretation of certain signs.

  • Decrease in muscle tone: this is the most common signal during the first six months of life, with a reduction in its activity. Relaxation indicates satiety.
  • Loss of interest in the breast or the pacifier:  the baby turns his mouth away from the breast or bottle when he is no longer hungry. If you offer him again and he turns his head once again, he is really full.
  • Concentration of attention on other things: Once full, the baby often wants to do other things. He can look away insistently or follow a toy with his eyes. In short, food takes a back seat.
  • The baby shows his satisfaction: if he has eaten well, that everything has gone well and that he is no longer hungry, the baby is generally happy. He can even laugh and play. On the other hand, if he is tired, he will show signs of sleep.

Can a baby overeat?

It is just as important to recognize the signs of hunger as of fullness in a baby. A child knows perfectly well how to stop eating when he is no longer hungry, and it is very rare that he eats too much.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to force the little ones to eat, including during breastfeeding. Hunger in a baby is very irregular and unpredictable, and the amounts can vary wildly from day to day. Or even from one take to another.

Plus, a baby’s crying doesn’t always mean they’re hungry. If he really needs to eat, he will come closer to the breast to suck the milk. But sometimes he just needs to get closer to this place which gives him a feeling of peace and security.

Signs that my baby is well nourished

The best way to know that a baby is eating enough is to watch it grow. If he is gaining weight and developing gradually and within normal parameters, then he is not starving and has all the necessary nutrients.

For this, it is essential to respect the follow-up visits as well as all the checks at the pediatrician. 

On the other hand, it is essential to be attentive to the stool and urine of the child. A baby who eats enough has several stools during the day, they are often watery and yellowish in color. His urine is also clear and plentiful.

However, if he has any of these signs, something is wrong with his diet:

  • He is drowsy,  tired, and shows little energy, including breastfeeding.
  • It takes a long time (over 45 minutes) to breastfeed or drink from a bottle.
  • His stools are sparse or green in color. Urination is also insufficient.
  • Weight gain is low or insufficient for his age.

A baby crying in front of his bottle.

Signs of hunger in a baby should be a guide

A newborn baby needs to be fed often. Usually every two or three hours, or more often in some cases.

One of the main worries of breastfeeding moms is whether their milk is enough for the baby. The quantity and composition are adapted according to the needs of the child.

During their development, babies go through growth spurts. It is therefore normal that they are hungrier and want to eat more often. But that doesn’t mean milk isn’t good for them.

The same goes for babies fed formula milk. The amounts indicated are guidelines for the correct preparation of the bottle, but it is necessary to understand and respect the desire to eat.

Finally, babies have their own signals to indicate hunger and fullness. Over time, parents manage to interpret them. Checking growth with the pediatrician as well as the rhythm of bowel movements and urination are the most reliable signs to know that the child is eating what he needs.

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