Some Tips For Recovering From Appendicitis

Having appendicitis is not pleasant, but after the operation what should be done to recover as well as possible?

Many people of all ages have suffered from appendicitis, a very painful inflammation that is sometimes mistaken for stomach pain and can lead to peritonitis if not treated in time. In this article, you will learn how to recover from appendicitis.

Nowadays, operations are performed in the smoothest way possible, not only to leave no marks, but also to reduce recovery time. However, we still have to be careful.

Our body must recover and for this it is necessary to follow certain advice.

Recovering from appendicitis

Find out how to recover from appendicitis without major problems. So that you do not experience any impact or have any discomfort, the tips that we will present will be very useful to you.

If you had appendicitis a few years ago, do you remember putting any of these recommendations into practice?

1. Don’t rush to get things done

How to recover well from appendicitis?

You must take this as a serious operation. Don’t rush because you want to walk and do things.

To recover from appendicitis, it takes patience. Even if you feel strong and your desire to get out of bed is enormous, we advise you to rest and not to exert more effort. Remember that the postoperative period lasts between 2 and 4 days.

2. Take care of your diet after appendicitis

Feeling hungry and thirsty after an operation is natural. However, you are not allowed to eat anything for the first few hours after your operation. However, later on you can start to eat, although this should be done little by little.

After 24 hours, you can drink fluids and have something a little more substantial, such as yogurt. Give your body time. Remember you just got out of an operation.

After 36 hours, you can start to eat something more solid, such as fruits, creams, and soups. Also, it will help you if you are taking pain medication.

Little by little, you will be able to introduce more substantial foods, but take your time. Otherwise, you might suffer from swelling, diarrhea, and feeling unwell.

In addition, we recommend that you hydrate and drink plenty of water.

3. Don’t always stay in bed

To recover from appendicitis, you don’t have to always stay in bed. Indeed, even the hospital, you will be told to get up and start walking. Of course, little by little and without haste, because the scar will hurt you.

As with diet, you need to have patience and give your body a cautious time to fully recover.

4. Play sports one month after the appendicitis operation

Exercise adequately to recover from appendicitis in the best conditions

If you are a very active person or athlete, you may notice this lack of activity. However, we recommend that you wait a month to exercise. Even if after 7 days the stitches are removed, your wound will not yet be completely healed.

Often times we forget that when we are opened a crack is created inside our body. Therefore, even if we see the scar, we have to think about that part which is less visible and which was also affected by the cut.

In addition, we recommend that you exercise moderately when you start again. Do not make intense efforts and do not seek excessive exhaustion. Start again slowly. Take it gradually, it will be much better for your body.

Have you ever had appendicitis? Did you follow any of these tips to recover?

Also remember to take care of your scar. Clean it up and avoid swimming or going to the pool for a week or two. The scar could become infected and the healing would take even longer.

No one likes having to rest against their will. But, when we have such an experience, it is best to learn how to cultivate our patience and take advantage of all the rest and care that we need.

Let’s not hurry to get back to our habits. We need to rest.

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