9 Practical Tips To Regain Ideal Weight

Practicing healthy habits such as exercise and a balanced diet is the best way to regain an ideal weight. Today we give you several simple recommendations to follow so as not to fail in this attempt.

To regain an ideal weight, you do not have to submit to fast diets that are harmful to your health. In fact, choosing to undertake certain types of rapid diets often has counterproductive effects and yields few good results. While fast diets may seem like a quick way to “burn fat,” they are useless in the medium to long term.

The problem with fast diet models is that they are very restrictive and cause the dreaded “kickback effects”. These diets often promise extraordinary results within days or weeks. However, they are extremely low in calories and in most cases have significant deficits in essential nutrients.

Therefore, for many years, these diets have been no longer recommended and instead, it is proposed to follow healthy eating habits to achieve a healthy and stable weight.

Thanks to this new way of taking care of your weight, many people have completely improved their lifestyle and have come to understand that an ideal weight can only be achieved with discipline and long-term effort. If you are trying to lose weight effectively and in a sustainable way, consider the tips that we present to you in this article.

The main reason many people fail to maintain an ideal weight is the lack of persistence and the will to eat a healthy diet. So, be patient and disciplined to achieve satisfactory and permanent results.

Are you trying to regain an ideal weight? Don’t make mistakes and waste no time. Discover all our advice today in this article.

1. Avoid sugar consumption to regain an ideal weight

reduce sugar to regain an ideal weight

Foods that contain high amounts of sugar are closely linked with weight gain. Since they also produce metabolic disturbances, they also increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. To avoid the consumption of sugar, we offer you these tips:

Tips to avoid sugar consumption and regain an ideal weight:

  • Replace refined sugar with healthy sweeteners such as honey or stevia.
  • Read the labels of foods you buy at the supermarket and check that they contain low amounts of sugar and saturated fat.
  • Calm your sugar cravings by consuming “light” desserts or dried fruits.

2. Eat a good breakfast to regain an ideal weight

If you don’t eat a good breakfast every day, it is very difficult to regain an ideal weight. While avoiding breakfast is thought to be a good way to “save calories,” it’s actually quite the opposite. Preparing a good breakfast for weight loss is essential for making good food choices and achieving a balance between macronutrients and micronutrients.

Breakfast is one of the main meals of the day. Although it has long been underestimated, it is now known how beneficial it is in all weight loss diet plans. Not having a good breakfast is closely related to many problems of overweight, obesity, and poor physical and mental performance. We offer you several tips to remedy this unhealthy habit.

Tips for having a good breakfast and regaining an ideal weight:

  • Make sure to prepare a full and balanced breakfast. This should correspond on average to 25% of the total daily calories consumed during the day.
  • Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and complex sources of carbohydrates.
  • Remember to also eat a small portion of protein and healthy fats.

3. Increase water consumption to regain an ideal weight

Water helps to improve figure and body weight in different ways. Since a large part of the body is made up of this fluid, it is essential for metabolism and an optimal detoxification process. To make the most of the benefits of drinking more water regularly throughout the day, we offer these tips.

Tips to increase water consumption and regain an ideal weight:

  • Consume between 2 and 3 liters of water per day.
  • If you don’t want to drink just water, supplement the fluid intake with herbal teas, natural juices, or water-rich fruits.
  • In hot weather or during sports activities, you should increase your intake of water and other refreshing drinks.

4. Sleep well to regain an ideal weight

One factor that you should also not overlook when trying to regain an ideal weight is rest. Although rest seems to be unrelated to weight loss, sleep is a very important factor. This is because sleep determines metabolic functions and all the processes that affect weight loss.

Tips for sleeping well and regaining an ideal weight:

  • Try to get 7-8 hours of continuous sleep a day.
  • Avoid distractions before bed so you don’t shorten your rest period.
  • Instead, eat a light dinner so it doesn’t interfere with your digestion when you go to bed.

5. Avoid carbohydrate-free diets to regain ideal weight

Reducing carbohydrate intake has interesting effects on weight control. However, it is not advisable to completely eliminate all carbohydrates from your diet. These macronutrients are a major source of energy that you should still incorporate into your diet.

Even though whole foods contain carbohydrates, they make it easier for our body to shed the fat that it may have accumulated in certain areas. They are also a great source of energy. The carbohydrates they contain are complex and, unlike simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates are very easily assimilated by our body. In addition, whole foods contain fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients essential for good physical and mental health.

To this end, we give you several tips to consume carbohydrates to regain an ideal weight.

Tips for avoiding certain carbohydrates in your diet:

  • Instead of choosing simple carbohydrates (bread, pastries, flour, etc.), choose sources of complex carbohydrates (oats, brown rice, quinoa, etc.).
  • Try to eat only carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch.

6. Limit the portions of your dishes to regain an ideal weight

Hearty meals are not a good option for following a healthy diet and regaining an ideal weight. Although they produce some satisfaction, they overload digestion and slow down the metabolism.

Did you know that to speed up your metabolism, you shouldn’t stop eating, but eat more meals throughout the day? A well-functioning metabolism promotes rapid weight loss and increased calorie expenditure even in the absence of physical activity. Try to eat more often but in smaller amounts. So the best option to regain ideal weight is to divide the portions into five or six meals a day.

Tips for reducing the daily portions of your meals and regaining an ideal weight:

  • Prepare small meals every 3-4 hours.
  • Choose to prepare 3 main meals and 2 snacks.

7. Reduce salt to regain an ideal weight

Salt is one of the biggest enemies when trying to regain that ideal weight. Although this condiment is widely used in cooking, its excessive consumption has harmful effects both for health but also for the figure. Too much salt causes high blood pressure, inflammation, and fluid retention.

Tips for reducing salt and regaining an ideal weight

  • Avoid adding salt to your meals and instead use spices and herbs to enhance the flavor of foods.
  • Check the labels of your favorite products and avoid those that are high in sodium.

8. Exercise to regain ideal weight

Regular exercise is the best complement to a balanced diet and an ideal weight. This type of activity optimizes the metabolism as well as the combustion of energy. Walking is, among other things, one of the best exercises for losing weight, because it produces efforts based on aerobic work when you increase the speed of each step.

Regular training or any physical activity  is therefore very beneficial to health and also to regain an ideal weight. To achieve this, we advise you in particular to take these tips into account.

Tips for exercising and regaining an ideal weight:

  • Do cardiovascular exercise for at least 20 minutes, and this at least 5 days a week.
  • Combine a cardio workout with anaerobic or strength training exercises.

9. Follow the model of the Mediterranean diet to regain an ideal weight

The Mediterranean diet is one of the many healthy and balanced diets that can help you regain ideal weight. It is based on the right combination of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and good fats that improve weight and heart health. It also involves moderate consumption of dairy products, eggs and wine, limited consumption of fish and low consumption of meat.

To this end, follow these few tips.

Tips for following a Mediterranean diet and regaining an ideal weight:

  • Increase the consumption of dried fruits, avocado and extra virgin olive oil.
  • Go for lean meats, such as turkey or chicken breast.
  • Choose whole grains, seeds and legumes.

Do you dare to incorporate these eating habits into your daily diet? If you want to take care of your body and your health, we advise you to give it a try and follow all of our tips. Remember that your efforts must be permanent so as not to regain the lost pounds.

Maintaining a balanced diet and regular physical activity is the perfect combination to lose weight gradually and in a healthy way. In addition, these two factors will also allow you to improve your quality of life.

Although we always prioritize diet to lose weight, it is also very important to consider physical activity in order to reduce calories but also in order to speed up metabolism. Find out in this article how a healthy and balanced diet combined with regular physical activity can help you lose weight.

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