9 Benefits Of Corn Hair You May Not Know

The antiseptic and diuretic properties of corn hair make it a real ally against infections that affect the urinary tract.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, corn hair infusion has multiple benefits for relieving headaches, joint pain and improving cold and flu symptoms.

Corn is an American cereal that has been used as a food source for over 10,000 years. The majority of those who consume it eat only the seeds, as their flavor works very well in soups, pies, desserts and other recipes.

But what not many people know is that corn hair. concentrate important properties that can be used for medicinal purposes.

If for cultural reasons or ignorance we usually throw them away when consuming this cereal, it is proven to be a good remedy for many health problems.

Here we will share with you their main benefits and how to prepare them in infusion to take advantage of their qualities.

1. Protect the urinary tract

corn hair protects the urinary tract

The antiseptic and diuretic properties of corn hair make it a real ally against urinary tract infections.

Consuming this infusion helps reduce inflammation, calm irritation, and decrease bacterial growth. Indeed, it has been shown to be effective for patients suffering from inflammation of the urethra or diseases of the prostate.

2. Fight joint pain

The anti-inflammatory and alkaline properties of this ingredient are a good supplement in the treatment of joint pain. Its infusion lowers acid levels in the body, fights water retention and balances inflammatory reactions in the body.

3. Regulate high blood pressure

corn hair regulates high blood pressure

Corn hair is a great ally for people who struggle with high blood pressure. Its flavonoids improve circulation and regulate blood pressure through the system.

They also help regulate sodium levels in the body, the high levels of which are linked to this problem.

4. Have a decongestant effect

The infusion of corn hair cleanses the airways, decreases inflammation in the throat, and controls common flu and cold symptoms. It also has a powerful expectorant and calming effect which helps to decongest the chest and nose.

5. Help detoxify the body

The antioxidant components that this food contains are a great help in stimulating the elimination of toxins retained in the body. Corn also has multiple direct benefits for liver health. Because it optimizes excretory functions and reduces the risk of fatty liver.

6. Regulate blood sugar

Patients with type 2 diabetes who consume corn hair infusions experience a marked decrease in their blood glucose levels. Indeed, this remedy helps to regulate the levels of insulin and fights the resistance of the cells towards it.

7. Relieve headaches

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, corn hair infusion helps reduce chronic headaches. Its consumption calms tension, improves circulation and reduces stiffness in the shoulders and neck.

8. Control muscle tension

corn hair controls muscle tension

The infusion of corn hair is recommended for athletes. Because it helps calm muscle tension after high impact physical activity. It is very low in calories, helps rehydrate the body and maintains balance in electrolyte levels.

9. Support weight loss

As their caloric intake is minimal and they also have  diuretic and depurative properties, corn hair is useful for people wishing to lose weight.

Consuming this infusion helps to prolong the feeling of fullness, improves the rate of metabolism, controls inflammation and facilitates the elimination of waste.

How to prepare corn hair infusion?

how to prepare corn hair infusion

The infusion of corn hair is the most recommended way to benefit from the properties of this wonderful product.


  • 3 tablespoons of corn hair (30 gr)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring a liter of water to a boil and when the water boils, reduce the heat and add the corn hairs.
  • Leave them for 2 minutes, turn off the heat and let stand.
  • When it has reached a bearable temperature, strain the infusion and drink it.
  • Take between three and four cups a day.


Pregnant women or people with kidney disease should not consume corn hair infusion. If you are taking blood pressure medication, also consult your doctor before taking this infusion.

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