8 Myths About Wine You Should Stop Believing

The lack of knowledge that usually exists around wine causes many of us to continue to believe a series of myths inherited from popular culture which, however, are not true.

Do you like wine? Well, here are some facts you should know. There is a whole host of myths about wine that we should stop believing.

So you will be able to buy a good wine in a much simpler way.

The 8 most common wine myths

1. Good wine must be expensive

Do you think that a good wine must necessarily be expensive? Well, it is not. And there are still a lot of people who believe that a high price means better quality. There are a lot of producers who offer good wine at affordable prices.

2. A good wine cannot be made from different varieties of grapes.

Of course, a good wine can be made from different grape varieties. Some people think that if they contain different types of grapes, they are of lower quality, but this is one of the real myths about wine.

It is precisely the different grape varieties that make it possible to obtain a more harmonious flavor and to give it different and very tasty notes.

3. If the wine has a screw cap, it is tampered with

wine myths: If wine has a screw cap, it is tampered with

If you notice that the bottle has a screw cap, it is not necessarily shoddy or adulterated. There are a lot of brands that market it this way and it’s another myth that wines without corks are counterfeit.

The reality is quite different, as many manufacturers use them for two reasons:

  • First of all, because these caps help reduce costs.
  • Second, unlike natural cork stoppers, these stoppers prevent the growth of bacteria.

4. Sweet wines are of inferior quality

Another of the wine myths claims that sweet wines are of inferior quality, but the truth is, that’s not true. Many manufacturers claim that sweet wines are no worse than dry or semi-dry ones, although sugar is used during production to hide their flaws.

5. A wine cannot be combined with all kinds of different dishes.

Some people believe that there is a certain type of wine to pair with a particular dish. Don’t get stuck on popular beliefs: the best thing to do is experiment and find new and unforgettable flavor combinations.

6. A beautiful label makes the wine better

Presentation makes any food better, but that doesn’t mean the food is better and in our case the same happens.

Due to the high level of competition in this market, the aim is to encourage producers to look for different ways of making us choose their products.

One of these methods is done through colored labels. But this is just an advertising strategy that has nothing to do with quality.

7. The deposit in the wine means that it is tampered with

The deposit in the wine means that it is tampered with

The deposit that forms does not mean that the wine has been tampered with, as many people believe.

Some people believe that this deposit, which is made in the glass or at the bottom of the bottle, exists because there are coloring agents added to the wine. In addition, it is believed that this is often associated with poor product quality.

Well, that only means that the wine is unfiltered and that it is natural, and that it is even better than the ones that are. Exactly the opposite of what we thought.

8. The wine loses its quality over the years

Although this is a common belief, wine generally does not lose quality over the years. This only happens to a very small percentage of wines.

The same goes for the taste: it improves over time. On the other hand, for most other drinks, the passage of time is not beneficial.

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