8 Foods That Improve Your Skin Health

Discover 8 foods here that will help you take care of the health of your skin. You cannot miss this article. Take notes !

Are you spending a lot of money to take care of the health of your skin? Some creams promise to repair and preserve the skin, but do not always give satisfactory results.

Do not despair. Note that it is best to start by taking care of your body from the inside out to improve your overall appearance. Besides treating your skin with cosmetics, you can also improve its appearance with certain foods.

In order to delay the signs of aging and keep skin looking radiant, you will find great allies in food.

Discover in this article a list of foods that will help you improve the health of your skin. Thus, you can choose the ones you like the most, while adopting a varied and balanced diet.

1. Pomegranates will help you improve the health of your skin

The benefits of pomegranates

Pomegranates are great for improving the health of your skin for several reasons.

  • The first is that they are rich in antioxidants, so they reduce cell damage and help regenerate the skin.
  • In addition, they have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which prevent the proliferation of bacteria and infections.

In case you have acne problem and skin inflammation, consume pomegranates as often as you can.

2. Green tea

Green tea is a drink rich in antioxidants. Unlike pomegranates, green tea is available year round. It will therefore help you to improve the health of your skin permanently.

It is a perfect drink to replace coffee and soft drinks. If you don’t like its flavor, combine it with fruit or with other ingredients like mint.

Green tea:

  • keeps your skin hydrated;
  • provides antioxidants;
  • reduces the risk of heart problems;
  • allows your skin to remain more elastic and soft;
  • reduces the effects of exposure to UV rays.

You can drink as much green tea as you want. However, if you are not a regular drinker, you can start with a daily cup to get used to the taste.

The best versions of green tea are the most natural. You can get them at a specialty store or at a local market. If you go for a commercial tea, check the label to make sure you don’t consume anything more.

3. Salmon

The  salmon is one of the other foods that improve the health of your skin. In addition, it is very nutritious and it is one of the healthiest foods.

Its high content of omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce the effects of the sun on the skin and in particular the inflammation caused by ultraviolet rays.

In addition, thanks to its high protein intake, salmon prevents flaccidity, because it helps to produce muscle.

4. Tomato

If you are looking for a simple option to take care of the health of your skin, you must try the tomato. Thanks to its high lycopene content, it acts as a natural sunscreen. In addition, its high water content helps hydrate the skin.

We recommend that you include it in your daily diet. If you don’t like its taste very much, you can try the following mask locally:


  • 1 ripe tomato
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder (15 g)


  • Mix the two ingredients until you obtain a smooth paste.
  • Wash your face, apply the mask and cover it with a soft cloth.
  • Let sit for about fifteen minutes, then rinse with cold water.


  • You can apply this mask once a week or when you especially need to have a relaxed and fresh face.
  • It is also very advisable to apply this mask after sun exposure when you have not used appropriate protection.

5. Egg

Eggs are low in calories, rich in vitamins and minerals. Although eggs are high in cholesterol, they are also a great source of protein.

This food will help improve the health of your skin thanks to its high content of choline, an essential nutrient for building cell membranes. Thanks to its regular consumption, your cells will regenerate in a much more natural way.

You can include one egg a day in your daily diet while limiting the amount of oils and fats you use in its preparation.

6. Soybeans

Soy is rich in iron

You’ve probably heard that Asian women have exceptional skin and few wrinkles: one reason is the consumption of soy, a food rich in isoflavones.

These nutrients promote the production of collagen and reduce its deterioration. We recommend that you include at least one serving of soya daily in your meals.

If you don’t consume it regularly, try mixing it with different dishes until it becomes a habit.

If you usually make smoothies, consider adding soy milk to improve the health of your skin.

7. Water

The best way to maintain the health of your skin is to drink enough natural water.

The water will help you in particular to:

  • eliminate toxins;
  • maintain softer and more elastic skin;
  • regulate glucose levels which can cause metabolic syndrome;

Make sure you consume a minimum of two liters of water per day. It should not contain sugar or artificial sweeteners. If you don’t like tasteless water, try herbal teas.

8. Lean red meats

The last foods that improve the health of your skin are lean meats. These meats provide  high quality protein which builds muscle and collagen and elastin which reduce sagging skin.

Try to eat a ration of this type of meat every day with vegetables and as little fat as possible.

Appearance says a lot about health. When our skin, hair, or nails look good, we are generally healthy.

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