8 Causes Of Migraine

We invite you to discover here the eight main causes of migraine to help you avoid suffering from it.

Migraine is characterized by a severe headache, usually located on only one side of the skull. But these pains can also appear on the temples, forehead and around the eyes. Here you will learn about the different causes of migraine.

In addition to pain, other symptoms may appear such as hypersensitivity to light, intolerance to noise, nausea and vomiting.

Unlike headaches, this disorder worsens over time and can turn into a real handicap. In fact, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), migraine is one of the 10 most disabling diseases affecting the world population.

The pain it causes can last up to 72 hours. They can hardly be combated by pain relievers.

Although we do not really know the mechanism of development of this pathology, it could be closely related to the hormonal changes that cause tension in the blood vessels.

It is thus possible to identify different factors that could influence its appearance. In the rest of this article, we’ll share with you the top eight causes of migraine.

1. Consuming food while working is a factor causing migraine

We all know that meal times should be respected.

However, we sometimes ignore this basic rule because of our different personal and professional commitments, which cause us to eat while working.

This bad habit influences the development of headaches and other symptoms of migraine.

The distraction that this behavior causes on the brain mechanically lowers the level of serotonin, the hormone of well-being.

2. Sleep disorders

Woman who can't sleep

Sleeping too little or too much is a behavior that can trigger migraines. By not allowing our body to rest the necessary number of hours, the mechanisms that should be in place overnight cannot do so effectively.

In addition to difficulty concentrating, this causes a strong feeling of fatigue and migraines, which can prevent us from carrying out our daily activities.

These difficulties also appear with excessive rest. This changes the vital rhythms and creates disorders in the organism.

3. Excess of alcoholic beverages, one of the factors at the origin of migraine

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can increase migraine episodes by up to 30%.

Ethanol, the main compound in these drinks, dehydrates the body and causes imbalances in the different fluid levels in our body.

The consequence of this behavior is the occurrence of blood circulation problems, which decrease the oxygenation of the brain and which generate severe headaches.

4. Consume junk food and snack cakes

Appetizers cakes

This is perhaps one of the less obvious factors among those we present to you, but be aware that diet is directly related to the onset of migraines.

An improper diet increases the risk of suffering from headaches and symptoms such as fatigue, or tenderness.

The junk food and appetizers cakes, as a vast majority of processed foods, generate negative reactions of a physical and mental point of view.

The monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer that is present in table salt in soups and Chinese food, among others, which causes an imbalance in inflammatory processes in the body. It causes different types of health problems.

5. Strong smells can be the cause of migraine

Very often, people who regularly suffer from migraine episodes have relapses when they perceive a strong or too intense smell.

Perfumes, deodorants and chemicals used in everyday products generate these reactions.

6. Climate change

With the sudden changes in temperature, a series of reactions can be caused in our body, starting with a general weakening of our immune system. It can cause colds and headaches.

Switching from hot to cold, and vice versa, in some people results in the release of substances responsible for migraine.

7. Loud sounds and intense light

Prolonged exposure to loud noises and bright lights can cause blood vessels to constrict. This contraction in turn causes migraines.

Tension and stress cause this side effect.

The intensity of the sun’s rays can also be responsible for triggering a migraine.

8. Being overweight or obese

Many people are unaware of the consequences that losing control can have on their body weight.

Being overweight and obese leads to an increased risk of suffering from cardiovascular disorders and other ailments of the main systems of our body.

As these factors are the main causes of circulatory problems, it is no wonder that they also influence the onset of migraines.

Now that you know the factors that cause migraine, it is important that you analyze your lifestyle and identify if you are exposed to this pathology.

Try to increase your preventive actions so that you do not have to suffer from migraine episodes continuously.

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