8 Breakfasts That Will Help You Lose Weight

Breakfast is essential if we want to lose weight, because in addition to providing us with a good dose of energy, this meal activates our metabolism. Don’t settle for a bowl of oats: a salmon toast brings you 360 calories

A delicious breakfast is the ideal way to start the day in a healthy way. In addition to being the most important meal, it gives us the energy we need to face the day. But what about when we want to lose weight?

Many people don’t eat breakfast because they don’t have enough time, don’t have an appetite, or think they are doing their body a favor.

However, various studies have shown that skipping breakfast is a serious mistake, both for health and for the figure.

If you want to use this time of day to speed up your metabolism and lose weight, you don’t have to stick to oatmeal, or whole wheat cookies. 

There are some great recipe ideas that will allow you to enjoy a great breakfast that contains everything you need to start the day right, and lose weight without compromising your diet.

Smoked salmon toast for weight loss

Baked salmon recipe

This delicious recipe is a fantastic option for adding variety to a breakfast. Because of the cheese spread, it may seem inappropriate for you to regulate your weight, but don’t worry.

Indeed, studies have shown that the calcium found in dairy products helps burn fat.


  • 1 slice of toasted wholemeal bread
  • 1 and a half spoonful of cheese spread
  • 50 grams of smoked salmon
  • 1 onion ring
  • 1 spoonful of chives

How to prepare it?

On your toast, first spread a little cheese spread, then add the smoked salmon, onion, and chives.

Total: 360 calories

Green eggs for weight loss

eggs for weight loss

This tasty recipe will allow you to fill up on protein and also essential vitamins to stay in shape throughout the day.

Spinach is an excellent ally for losing weight, and also controlling the urge to snack that sometimes haunts us during the day.


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 cup of mushrooms, cut into pieces
  • 2 cups of spinach
  • 1 egg

How to prepare it?

Heat a little oil in a pan, and brown the mushrooms and spinach for two minutes. Once they are cooked, then remove them from the heat, and fry an egg in a little olive oil as well.

Put it all on a plate, and finally enjoy your breakfast!

Total: 230 calories.

Cherry chocolate waffles for weight loss

chocolate waffles

Not only does whole grains help us lose weight, but they also prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes, studies show. 

So, thanks to this delicious breakfast, you can enjoy the benefits of whole grains while satisfying your cravings with chocolate and cherry.


  • 1 spoon of chocolate and almond cream
  • 2 whole wheat waffles
  • 1 cup of fresh, pitted cherries.

How to prepare it?

Spread the whole wheat waffles with chocolate cream and almonds. Then sprinkle with cherries, and enjoy!

Total: 350 calories

Toasted bread with mango for weight loss

Mangoes are packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber that will help you lose weight and make you feel full.


  • 1 spoon of cheese spread
  • 2 slices of toasted bread
  • 1 cup of mango, cut lengthwise

How to prepare it?

Spread the cheese first on the toasted bread, then add the mango pieces on top.

Total: 310 calories

Muesli and cherries for weight loss


According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan Healt, the pigments in cherries help us lose weight and eliminate body fat.

This simple and delicious recipe is thus a great alternative for your breakfast that will allow you to enjoy the benefits of cherries.


  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cloves
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of tart cherries, halved and pitted

How to prepare it?

The night before, soak the oats in the almond milk, and place everything in the refrigerator. The next morning, then mix all the ingredients together.

Total: 336 calories

Oats with nuts and berries for weight loss

This excellent breakfast is rich in fiber and will help you slim your figure. In addition, it will give you a feeling of lasting satiety, which will then make you want to snack until lunch.


  • 1 packet of instant oats
  • 1 cup of skimmed milk
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped walnuts
  • ½ cup of raspberries
  • ½ cup of lingonberries

Total: 351 calories

How to prepare it?

Use the milk to prepare the oats according to the directions on the package. Then add the walnuts, the raspberries and finally the lingonberries.

Yogurt and grapefruit for weight loss


  • 220 grams of low-fat yogurt
  • 1 spoonful of wheat germ
  • ½ teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of flax seed
  • 1 medium grapefruit

How to prepare it?

In a container, combine the wheat germ and ground flax seeds to create a base. Then, in a glass, alternate a layer of grapefruit then yogurt. Cover with honey and wheat germ.

Total: 252 calories

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