8 Benefits Of Good Hydration

It is very important to have a good level of hydration at all times, and not just when we are thirsty, because thirst is a sign of dehydration. It is essential to drink between a liter and a half and two liters of water per day. 

Most living things need water to live. Moreover, the body of human beings is made up of approximately 60% water. This information allows us to realize the importance of water and the benefits of good hydration for the proper functioning of the body.

Every cell in the human body needs water to live and perform its functions. This is why it is essential to always be well hydrated, so that the most basic functions of the body are assured.

Hydration is the absorption of liquids by various means on a continuous and permanent basis. The objective of this action is to replace the fluids that the body naturally loses during certain activities, in particular during the practice of a physical activity via sweating.

But we don’t just lose fluids when we exercise. When we breathe or rest, the body also consumes fluids. In fact, the organs are constantly absorbing the fluids that are in the tissues. This absorption of fluids never stops, not even when we are sleeping. That is why it is essential to drink plenty of water. When the level of fluids is low, the sensation of thirst appears.

Let’s see together, in this article, what are the  8 benefits of a good level of hydration.

The benefits of good hydration for the body

1. Benefits of hydration for the brain 

The benefits of good hydration on the brain

Good hydration helps oxygenate brain cells. Thanks to this, the brain remains very active to carry out all its actions.

Dehydration in the brain can lead to serious health problems.

2.  Benefits of hydration for  cells 

It is essential to maintain a good level of hydration in the cells, so that the transport of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins and other essential nutrients is efficient. Thus, good hydration guarantees appropriate cellular oxygenation: the cells are then able to produce the energy the body needs to function properly.

Likewise, good hydration facilitates the elimination of toxins and accumulated residues. Some of these substances are produced during various metabolic processes in the body. Thus, a good hydration allows to have a dynamic metabolism.

3. The digestive tract

Water is a molecule of the utmost importance for the process of digesting food. Just as it is with the absorption of nutrients, a good level of hydration facilitates the passage of nutrients into the blood, and then, distribution in the cells.

Conversely, when the body is dehydrated, intestinal transit becomes slow. Consequence of this: constipation occurs.

4. The heart 

Drinking water is very important for the proper functioning of the heart  : having an appropriate level of water in the body is fundamental to maintaining blood pressure between the values ​​considered normal.

5.  Benefits of hydration for the kidneys

The benefits of good hydration on the kidneys

A good level of hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the kidneys, as they are responsible for removing waste products from the body via urine.

The kidneys control the water level in the body. They also stabilize levels of sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes by regulating urine.

6.  Benefits of hydration for muscles and joints

Water lubricates the muscle structure and the structure of the joints. Thus, for these structures to perform their functions correctly, water is essential.

7. Benefits of hydration for the skin

Proper hydration keeps body tissues moist. As a result, skin cells are kept in perfect condition, which helps maintain flexibility, smoothness and ideal skin color .

8. Body temperature

Water is fundamental to maintaining body temperature: this liquid effectively regulates body temperature by dissipating heat. If the body temperature is too high, the body loses fluids through perspiration and evaporation of sweat.

Consider drinking between a liter and a half and two liters of water per day, in order to optimize all the functions of the body.

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