7 Symptoms Of Kidney Problems

We must always listen to our body and decode the signals it sends to us. This is essential for detecting a health problem and allowing early treatment.

There are symptoms of kidney problems that tell us that something is not working well at all in our body. If in doubt, the best thing to do is to educate yourself in order to  detect the source of the disorder in good time so that you can go to the doctor.

Remember that the main function of the kidneys is the filtration of all wastes from the body. Once filtered, the waste is turned into urine and expelled from the body. These wastes are mainly composed of toxins and water.

One of the most common kidney problems occurs when the kidney stops filtering blood due to a lack of fluids, especially water. By not drinking enough water, body wastes and toxins are retained in the body.

Urea and creatinine build up in the body, resulting in a state of organic decompensation.

Can kidney failure be detected early on?

symptoms of kidney problems: kidney failure

In some cases, there are several signs that alert you to kidney problems first, but you should watch out for all of them. In this sense, you can prevent the disease from progressing and reaching stages which can sometimes even be fatal. Especially if you suffer from any of the following illnesses:

  • Diabetic sugar.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Congestive heart failure.

However, the diagnosis of kidney failure is rarely detected with certainty in an immediate manner. This is because, as many scientists say, it is one of the many silent diseases.

It is therefore important to be attentive to the results of routine medical examinations. They are intended to highlight any changes, detect signals from the body and avoid complications. One example is the decline in the quality of kidney function.

Warning signs of kidney problems

1. Changes in urinary habits

Among the most important symptoms of kidney disease, first of all, there are changes in the habits of urinating. Not specifically in the physical characteristics of urine, but rather in the number of times a day one urinates and the amount of urine itself.

When kidney problems occur, the amount of urine usually increases in the early stages and then tends to decrease. This occurs despite the increased sensation of wanting to urinate.

2. Fluid retention

symptoms of kidney problems: fluid retention

One of the clear signs of kidney problems is fluid retention . It can be mainly evidenced by the swelling of the legs, without having carried out a physical activity which could have been the cause, for example.

In more advanced cases, mild swelling can also occur in the ankles, hands, and even the face. In this case, medication should be used to combat fluid retention, even temporarily.

Pay attention to each of these symptoms of kidney problems.

3. Extreme fatigue

Permanent fatigue and even exhaustion are a sign that something is wrong with the body. They can therefore be a sign of kidney problems.

Fluid retention and the lack of elimination of wastes and toxins make a person with kidney problems more prone to fatigue.

First of all, it is necessary to consult your doctor to investigate the medical causes of chronic fatigue in your case. Thus, he can determine if it is indeed a renal failure or if it comes from another cause.

4. Anemia
symptoms of kidney problems: anemia

Anemia is also a clear sign of possible kidney problems. However, not all anemias are due to kidney disease. But if you do suffer from it, it is highly advisable to see a specialist to determine if the cause of your anemia may be due to the onset of a kidney problem.

5. Generalized itching

Generalized pruritus, commonly referred to as itching all over the skin, is one of the clear signs of kidney problems. Itching on the body can indicate retention of toxins.

In other words, general itching appears after kidney failure. As a result, toxins are gradually deposited and are harmful to health. If you get itchy, take care and see a doctor.

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