7 Simple Tips For Losing Weight While Staying Healthy

Even if we don’t necessarily make the connection, proper rest is fundamental to achieving rapid weight loss and avoiding health problems. At night, it is essential to get more than 6 hours of sleep without interruptions.

Losing weight fast and without putting your health at risk is easier than you think. No need for weird remedies, no workouts, let alone eat less than your body needs.

Above all, losing weight means changing your habits. Maybe you are surprised by this advice, but our lifestyles and eating styles are the result of a type of culture and education that we are not always aware of.

Thus, realizing these aspects and daring to modify them successfully requires a force of will that we do not always have.

Sometimes restricting your sugar intake simply means not buying it. To achieve this, you also need to be able to count on the support of your family and those around you.

It is also necessary to realize that a (diet) diet is not something “temporary”.

To maintain an ideal weight, the best is to integrate a healthy diet into your daily life and not one-off periods when you accumulate new kilos.

Eating well is an obligation, not a fleeting option.

In this article, we reveal 7 keys to how to lose weight fast but still stay healthy.

1. Medical check-ups

Weight and health.

To lose weight healthily, it is necessary, first of all, to go through a medical check-up.

Sometimes gaining pounds can be due to a very specific illness, such as hypothyroidism.

  • Before starting any diet, it is essential that our doctors inform us of basic indicators, such as cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, blood pressure parameters etc.
  • To lose weight quickly, you need to exercise. In order to avoid unnecessary risks, it is important to rule out any heart problems or even simple anemia that will increase fatigue.

So, don’t hesitate any longer: do a simple check-up and as soon as your doctor gives you the green light, start the advice that we are now going to give you.

2. A glass of lukewarm water with lemon on an empty stomach for health

We know that this habit is already very widespread. You may even have taken it already.

  • Either way, starting the day with a glass of lukewarm lemon water on an empty stomach is excellent for purifying ourselves of toxins, taking care of the liver, regulating constipation, and preparing our bodies for a healthy diet.
  • If you think that the juice of a whole lemon is too intense for you, do not hesitate to reduce the amount according to your tolerance.

This remedy is still very healthy.

3.10 minutes of exercise before breakfast

Once you have had that glass of lukewarm lemon water, begin a program of simple aerobic exercise.

  • Now is the perfect time to move your body and promote fat loss.
  • Our insulin level is a little lower than normal and the energy we use for exercise will be taken directly from stored fat deposits.
  • You just need to walk for 10 minutes and vary the type of exercise each day: flexions, dance, yoga etc. What you like to do.

4. Oats for breakfast

Oats are one of the best foods to start the day. It is important to never skip breakfast and it is essential that this first meal of the day is varied and balanced.

  • To lose weight quickly, you should not skip meals. If you do this, you will have a much slower metabolism, experience dangerous drops in sugar, and come to lunch or dinner hungry, which you will have a hard time controlling.
  • Conversely, preparing a good cup of oats will give you the perfect intake of fiber and minerals (iron, sodium, zinc, magnesium, potassium or folic acid).

Thanks to omega-6 fatty acids or linoleic acid, you will also be able to reduce your cholesterol.

5. Consume natural foods and drastically restrict processed foods

This advice is undoubtedly the most difficult to implement, for the following reasons:

  • Always consume fresh fruits and vegetables for the health of the body.
  • All types of cakes, pastries, salt, refined flour, cans or appetizer cakes should be avoided.
  • Replace the refined flour bread with wholemeal bread.
  • The pasta, as well as the rice, must be complete.
  • Limit sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchup, cheese spreads.
  • Forget carbonated drinks, as well as ready-made juices: consume only natural drinks.

6. An exercise divided into several sessions for health

To lose weight quickly, you need to exercise. But, instead of exhausting yourself with one hour-long session, break your program down into different sessions throughout the day:

  • When you get up, do a 10-minute session.
  • In the middle of the day, do a 20-minute session (the more intensive the exercises, the better and the healthier the effect).
  • In the afternoon, while avoiding the very hot hours, go out for a walk or run, if possible. Half an hour is sufficient.

7. Warning: you must sleep 6 hours per night minimum for health

This advice might surprise you, but sleeping less than 6 hours in general often makes you overweight and increases your risk of developing diabetes.

  • If this is your case, if you suffer from chronic insomnia, consult your doctor to work out a strategy that will allow you to have deep and restorative rest.

Sleeping between 7 and 8 hours per night will allow your body to carry out basic purification functions to take care of your metabolism and thus promote faster weight loss.

Motivate yourself to put into practice the advice we give you here! Sometimes all it takes is a healthy lifestyle to shed those extra pounds.

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