7 Key Tips For Taking Care Of Your Kidneys

In addition to avoiding harmful habits like smoking, you should follow a healthy and balanced diet, and exercise regularly to speed up the metabolism and promote the expulsion of toxins.

The kidneys play a fundamental role in health. This is because they are responsible for filtering toxins and producing urine to detoxify the body of substances it does not need. This is why we are going to share with you a series of key tips to help you take care of your kidneys.

The kidneys are considered to be the main organs that filter blood. They facilitate its cleansing by retaining nutrients that can benefit the body.

In addition, their function allows to regulate the arterial pressure and the hydro-saline balance. They also stimulate the production of red blood cells in the blood. 

It is important to keep your kidneys in optimal condition for good overall health.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), cases of patients with chronic kidney disease and other types of problems, have increased in recent years. These diseases are now associated with diabetes, overweight and cardiovascular pathologies.

Discover our tips for taking care of your kidneys

1. Engage in physical activity

During sport, the body activates its metabolism and facilitates the elimination of toxic substances present in the blood stream. This habit helps lower blood pressure and significantly lowers the risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

2. Control your blood sugar levels

Imbalances and increased blood sugar levels increase the risk of suffering kidney damage in the future. This diabetes-related disease is known as diabetic nephropathy. It begins to appear long before the first symptoms.

As it evolves, it generates a series of changes in the urine, including the development of proteins. In fact, in the United States, diabetes is the most common cause of kidney failure.

3. Regulate blood pressure to take care of your kidneys

Blood pressure has a strong link with kidney problems. When it is high, the heart works harder and over time this can damage the blood vessels in the body.

When the vessels of the kidneys are damaged, there is a great likelihood that they will no longer remove waste and excess fluids from the body.

As a result, it can lead to kidney failure, a condition that requires the person to have a kidney transplant or dialysis treatment.

4. Adopt a healthy diet

As with many parts of the body, it takes proper nutrition to have healthy kidneys for as long as possible.

So, to support kidney function, it is therefore advisable to base your diet on healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.

Here are some suitable foods:

  • Blueberries
  • Watermelon
  • Melon
  • Celery
  • Asparagus
  • Eggplant
  • Garlic

5. Moderate your salt intake to take care of your kidneys

moderating your salt intake to take care of your kidneys

Indeed, excessive salt intake is one of the main causes of water retention and kidney problems.

So even though the body needs this substance in small amounts, most people ingest it excessively. They then suffer from medium and long term consequences.

The kidneys can remove up to 5 grams of salt per day. The body will then store the excess salt.

This accumulation in several organs and tissues of the body is a potential cause of kidney failure, hypertension, liver pathologies, among others.

6. Drink water to take care of your kidneys

One of the best habits for healthy kidney function is to drink water daily.

This fluid is involved in the production of urine and the process of eliminating toxins from the body.

Experts therefore recommend ingesting about two liters of water per day to reduce the risk of suffering from kidney disease. 

7. No smoking

Smoking affects the health of the respiratory system and also has a negative impact on the kidneys. This habit affects the blood vessels of the kidneys and has a strong impact on the development of disorders such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Smokers are thus up to twice as likely to suffer from kidney failure, just like passive smokers.

Therefore, if you put all of these tips into practice, you will take care of your kidney health, and your overall quality of life will improve.

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