7 Exercises That Can Make The Body Grow

All types of stretching are good practice to achieve better flexibility in our body. Likewise, they can help us gain a few inches.

For many people, stature is a fundamental part of the silhouette and even if we know that it depends largely on genetic factors. Therefore, many people try to make the body bigger by doing exercises.

Nutrients and physical activity are two determining factors for the growth of the body in the early stages of life. However, when you reach old age, it is also possible to grow a little more with the help of certain movements, which strengthen the muscles and bones.

Since we know that many people are looking to grow a little more, we want to share with you 7 exercises that can help you achieve this, as long as you perform them regularly. Are you interested?

1. Swim

This physical activity is good for relaxing the muscles and refining the silhouette. But it also involves stretching many muscles in the body. Its regular practice is an interesting way to gain a few inches of stature while toning the arms, stomach and legs.

However, to achieve the main goal, you must complete at least 2 hours of training daily, with rest times of 15 minutes.

2. Hang from a bar

This exercise consists of hanging your body on a resistant bar. Then to stretch the muscles, bones, tendons and joints as much as possible.

To stimulate the effects of this type of stretching, it is good to lift your legs and place them parallel to the ceiling.

This can work if you do several repetitions per day. Without putting too much strain on the body, as some extremities could become dislocated.

3. Touching your toes

It is certainly one of the most classic stretching exercises in gymnastics classes and workout routines.

  • This exercise involves bending the back forward and stretching the arms until touching the tips of the toes, without bending the knees.
  • If you are unable to do this movement, start by regaining flexibility by bending down as far as possible, without hurting yourself.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and repeat this exercise several times a day, for it to be effective.

4. The cobra of the cobra to make the body grow

This is a typical yoga class stretch that stretches the spine and other parts of the body. The more we practice this exercise in a suitable way, the more the back will open and the more you will make the body grow.

To perform this exercise, lie down with the body and face down, and the palms below the shoulders. Then arch your back and lift your chin up to an angle.

5. Lifting the pelvis

This movement is quite common in regular exercise routines. Because it is a good way to work the parts of the body such as the legs, buttocks and stomach. 

It also works the spine and the lower hips. And it is considered to be one of the most effective exercises for gaining a few inches.

It is done on the back, with the legs bent and the palms of the hands on the sides of the body. You have to lift your pelvis as much as you can and maintain the position for 20 or 30 seconds.

6. Play basketball to grow the body

This fun sport requires mental focus and a good physical performance to be able to do it in a suitable way.

Its practice is recommended from a very young age. Because the movements that this sport involves promote the stretching of the bones and allow you to have a greater stature. 

7. Flexibility of the hamstrings and abductors

This movement seems a little more complex than the previous ones but it is very easy to perform and allows you to stretch well.

  • First, you should sit on the floor, with one leg bent backwards and the other stretched forward.
  • Then bring the chest to the stretched leg, as if you want to touch the knee with the chest.
  • Extend the arms, trying to touch the ankle of the stretched leg
  • And then raise the torso with a gentle movement.
  • Do 3 sets of 5 reps each.

With the daily practice (or at least 3 times a week) of all these movements, you will succeed in making the body grow by a few centimeters. You will also strengthen the muscles while toning the areas that will make your physique more attractive. Hang in there !

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