6 Things To Do To Improve The Air Quality In Your Home

In addition to ventilating spaces daily, to purify the air, we can also take advantage of the properties of certain plants that will promote the harmony of the house.

To have a healthy and harmonious home, it is important to follow certain measures to decontaminate the air we breathe.

Although we cannot see it with the naked eye, it is normal for the air to become contaminated  with the use of chemicals, environmental particles and with dust.

In fact, it’s one of the main causes of allergies and breathing problems, and most worrying is that many people ignore it altogether.

For this reason, in this article, we want to share with you 6 simple recommendations to help you improve air quality before it generates bad energy and health problems.

Put them into practice!

1. Green cleaning products

green cleaning products improve air quality

We are so used to industrial cleaning solutions that we forget that there are natural alternatives that help accomplish the same tasks without affecting the air in our home or the environment.

Green cleaning has become a trend in many countries and, in fact, more and more people are deciding to adopt these practices.


  • Avoid using chemical sprays as they charge the atmosphere with harmful synthetic substances.
  • Choose to sanitize your home with white vinegar, lemon, or baking soda.
  • Use citrus zest and natural spices as an alternative to chemical deodorants.

2. Objects in your home

If you want to avoid the accumulation of mites, dust and other volatile compounds, do not pile up too many accessories and unnecessary items.

Even if you like to decorate, it is best to keep just basic items.


  • Remove items such as lint, rugs, or upholstery from your home.
  • If you want to keep them, be sure to wash them regularly.
  • If you have pets, monitor their hygiene and make sure to keep their accessories and beds sanitized.

3. Ventilation

Ventilation improves air quality

To renew the air that passes through all the spaces of your home, you must open the doors and windows for at least 20 or 30 minutes a day.

This measure should be applied especially if the spaces in the house tend to be too closed.


  • Ventilate your home when there is little traffic and pollen.
  • Open all doors and windows, including those in the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Repeat the operation every day to keep the air fresh.

4. Humidity

Be careful! Moisture from walls and ceilings not only generates bad smells inside the house, but is also a direct cause of respiratory and skin problems.

Although this is an infrastructure issue or poor ventilation, it is important to try to control humidity as soon as we notice its presence.


  • Identify humid spaces in your home and try to ventilate them.
  • Use natural products to control mold, such as vinegar or lemon.
  • If the humidity persists, consult a professional so that he can observe the damage and advise you on the repair to be made.

5. Smoking

Smoking inside the house is one of the worst habits we can have, including with all family members.

Cigarette smoke disperses with the air, and because it is loaded with toxins, it interferes with everyone’s respiratory health.

Its chemical components accumulate in the spaces of the house and, in fact, can be perceived with the bad ambient odor.


  • Smoking is bad for your health, so avoid smoking as much as possible.
  • Seek support and remedies to quit smoking.
  • If you decide to continue smoking, do so outside the house.

6. Indoor plants

There are dozens of indoor plants that, in addition to giving a decorative touch to the spaces of the house, help to purify the air naturally.

These have the ability to filter volatile pollutants and, moreover, to increase the harmony in the house.


  • Bamboo palm
  • Ferns
  • Common ivy
  • Orchids
  • The peace lily
  • Pothos
  • Sword of St. George
  • Anthurium
  • African daisy
  • Aglaoneme
  • Azaleas

Do you notice that the air in your house is heavy? Do you perceive bad smells? In these cases, follow these tips and take steps to renew the air in your home on a regular basis.

Remember all of these recommendations and check if you can freshen the air to make your home cleaner and healthier.

To be able to get rid of those unpleasant odors that make our home look bad, we can choose between buying an odor extractor or using natural tips that will scent the whole house.

  • Organización Mundial de la Salud, “Contaminación del aire de interiores y salud”, 2018. https://www.who.int/es/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/household-air-pollution-and-health
  • Observatorio de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Andalucía, Calidad del aire interior , 2011. https://www.diba.cat/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=c7389bc9-6b7b-4711-bdec-3ead4bc9a68b&groupId=7294824
  • Bornehag CG, Sundell J, Hagerhed-Engman L, Sigsgaard T. “Association between ventilation rates in Swedish homes and allergic symptoms in children”. Indoor Air 2005; Aug; 15 (4): 275-280.

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