6 Plants To Put In Your Bedroom To Fight Insomnia

Did you know that valerian, in addition to being used to prepare relaxing infusions and tinctures, can also help us relax and sleep better if we have a plant directly in our room?

Do you have difficulty falling asleep or do you often wake up in your bedroom during the night? If this is your case, it is better to start taking the necessary measures now to deal with insomnia and avoid the most serious of its consequences.

While it is normal to suffer from these difficulties once in a while, not controlling them creates days that are much more difficult to endure and less productive.

Poor quality of sleep causes loss of energy, both mentally and physically, altered state of mind, problems with concentration and other negative effects that decrease our quality of life.

Fortunately, there are many tips that can help us fight this problem and get the hours of sleep we need.

An effective and 100% natural solution is to have a variety of relaxing plants in our room.

They are not only decorative or aesthetic, because they can have de-stressing and purifying properties that facilitate sleep and rest.

In the rest of this article, we’ll share with you the 6 best plants to put in your bedroom. Pick the one you like the most and don’t hesitate to go buy it today!

1. Jasmine

Jasmine for your bedroom.

Jasmine is an exotic plant that has soothing properties for our body and mind.

It has been shown to allow us to control our anxiety, which obviously affects the quality of our sleep.

You can place a jasmine plant on your nightstand or in a corner of your bedroom, which will help you find sleep more easily and relax well.

2. Lavender

Lavender is a very popular plant because of its aromatic and relaxing properties. It is used in many therapies to control anxiety and facilitate sleep.

The scent of its flowers slows down the heart rate and inhibits the production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone.

Although many people prefer to use it in the form of essential oils or scented products, we suggest you enjoy it in its most natural form. A pretty plant for your interior.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera for your bedroom.

Aloe vera is listed as one of the best plants for cleaning the air, according to NASA. Indeed, it produces oxygen during the night, which promotes deep and restful sleep.

We would like to point out that this is one of the easiest plants to grow and maintain. Because it only requires very basic care.

The Egyptians called it “the plant of immortality” because it has many medicinal and aesthetic applications.

You can put it directly in your room. We would like to point out, however, that it will be more comfortable on a window sill. Because she loves the sunlight.

4. The gardenia

The gardenia is characterized by its shiny perennial leaves and its fragrant flowers that have a relaxing effect.

It is one of the most suitable plants for a bedroom, because it promotes a good quality of sleep.

Some studies claim that the Gardenia jasminoides is as effective as Valium in reducing anxiety, stress and insomnia.

The only downside is that it is rather difficult to maintain, as its leaves and flowers require a lot of care.

5. Valerian

La valeriane for your room.

Valerian is a very pretty perennial plant with pink and white flowers that release a delicious fragrance.

It has been used since the 16th century as an active compound for the manufacture of perfume. It was not until much later that its root was used to make infusions and tinctures in order to combat insomnia.

The discovery of its relaxing effects is attributed to the Roman physician and philosopher Claude Galien. He was one of the first to prescribe it.

Its recommendations were rediscovered centuries later. And studies have confirmed that valerian has ideal properties for facilitating restful sleep.

Keep in mind, however, that this plant must receive sunlight. For at least 6 hours a day.

6. Webbed bamboo for your bedroom

A small palmate bamboo plant is a perfect option for cleaning the air. And restore all their harmony to the rooms of your house.

Its properties will allow you to enjoy fresher air throughout the day, but also to enjoy a feeling of relaxation during the night.

As its origins are exotic, bamboo can also give a little original touch to your interior.

You just need to water it once in a while and place it in a place where it receives some sunlight.

Before trying these plants in your bedroom, make sure your children or pets are not allergic to them.

Try to clean their leaves well every week and water them frequently to keep them from drying out.

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