5 Tips To Prevent Wrinkles Around The Eyes

Staying hydrated is essential to prevent the signs of aging, but you also need to rest well in order to allow cells to regenerate.

The skin around the eyes is thinner than that of the rest of the face, so it is one of the first areas of the body to show signs of aging. This area of ​​the body is poor in sebaceous glands, collagen fibers and elastin. It therefore requires special nutrition.

The skin around the eyes is supported by twenty-two muscles which are constantly in motion. In addition, the eyes blink about 10,000 times a day. It is then not difficult to understand the reasons why fine wrinkles quickly appear in this area.

Not to mention the many factors that affect the eye area. Exposure to the sun, aggressive environment and lack of sleep promote premature aging.

Today, there are many cosmetic formulas whose main objective is to take care of this area of ​​the face. But that is not enough: it is also necessary to follow adopting certain good habits to preserve this area. vs

Discover the best prevention tips in the rest of this article. Most of the causes of the appearance of wrinkles at an early age have to do with environmental pollution and the sun, and by taking some precautionary measures we can reduce this negative impact.

1. Use sunglasses


To protect the delicate skin that surrounds the eyes, it is essential to purchase good sunglasses.

Although you may not be able to perceive it immediately, these ultra violet rays penetrate the deepest parts of the skin and promote the formation of small wrinkles. 

It should also be noted that the sun forces on the eyes, which in the long run can cause illness.

2. Remove your makeup … Always!

It is important to remove makeup, especially from the area around the eyes. Never go to bed without removing your makeup!

We recommend that you remove makeup gently with a little almond or olive oil and a clean cloth.

3. Buy an anti-wrinkle cream

Anti-wrinkle creams that contain retinol, elastin, and antioxidants are great for nourishing this area of ​​the skin.

It can be found commercially in many forms and at various prices. You can also buy natural creams.

4. Sleep well if you want to prevent wrinkles around the eyes.

Woman sleeping

The habit of sleeping well affects overall health, including skin health.

Adequate sleep helps reduce puffiness, dark circles and all the signs that show some fatigue.

5. Apply a natural serum to the eye area

The serum is a product rich in active ingredients whose properties are absorbed by the skin and nourish the most delicate areas of the face.

This natural formula makes it possible to develop a product that is gentle on the skin and helps prevent and reduce wrinkles while reducing dark circles and all types of disorders associated with tissue inflammation.

This serum is also excellent for refreshing and firming the skin.


  • 2 tablespoons of Aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of witch hazel water (10 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid coffee (10 ml)
  • 2 drops of cypress essential oil


  • In a clean container, mix the Aloe vera gel with the witch hazel, the coffee (strong) and the essential oil of cypress.
  • Do not over mix, as this serum can only be stored for two days.
  • Pour the product into a bottle and store it in the refrigerator.

Method of application

  • Take a small amount of serum and rub it on the eye area with an upward massage.
  • Once your skin has absorbed it, you can apply your makeup.
  • You can use it in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.
  • It is important to apply it at least three times a week. There is no usage limit.

If you put into practice all of the above, the e around your eyes will be healthier and appear younger. Get started today!

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