5 Tips To Help You Cut Back On Excessive Coffee Consumption

Drinking a cup of coffee every morning has become a habit for many people. It is a drink that makes us feel relaxed and awake due to its caffeine content which causes mild hyperactivity.

One or two cups a day is perfectly normal. However, the problem lies in the excessive consumption of coffee.

Do you want to find out how to quit this habit by replacing it with healthier options?

Excessive coffee consumption

how to remedy excessive coffee consumption?

Everything should be enjoyed in moderation, because when we abuse the consumption of a drink or food, we can no longer stop. It happens because our body ends up tolerating it. Thus, in order to regain the effects of the first consumption, you feel the need to drink or eat more and more.

Excessive coffee consumption increases metabolic activity, which can cause mild nerve damage, anxiety, and even tachycardia. This can then lead to serious health problems.

There are cases of people whose nervous system is disturbed. Coffee can affect your sleep, mood, and in some cases cause restless leg syndrome or Willis-Ekbom disease. This syndrome is neurological in origin and causes an uncontrollable desire to move the legs due to the tingling and burning sensation.

Coffee also contains kahweol and cafestol, substances which raise the level of “bad cholesterol” (LDL) in the blood.

Stopping your intake overnight can cause withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, mood swings, or fatigue. For all these reasons, we suggest that you gradually put an end to your excessive consumption of coffee.

How to reduce your coffee consumption

Try some of these tips to avoid drinking coffee throughout the day.

1. Decrease the quantity

The first thing to do in order to decrease your coffee consumption is to reduce the number of cups you drink per day. If you drink five cups a day, go down to four for a few days, then three and so on.

This way you will not feel abstinence or anxiety. Your body doesn’t need that many cups of coffee per day. One or two will be enough to give you energy or to satisfy you.

2. Add milk

This is a good way to reduce the consumption of this substance so pure and so strong. If you continue to serve it in the same cup and mix it with milk to make it less concentrated, you will consume less caffeine.

If you cannot tolerate the milk, then add more water. The important thing is that you can reduce the amount of caffeine you ingest.

3. Choose decaffeinated coffee

Swap your coffee with caffeine for a decaffeinated drink. Although the latter contains the same substances that cause increased cholesterol levels, on the other hand, you will stop consuming the caffeine that is causing your addiction.

Thus, it will be easier for you to stop the coffee, or at least to reduce the doses. Don’t worry, the taste is pretty much the same.

4. Replace coffee with another beverage or healthy snack.

how to remedy excessive coffee consumption?

During free time at work, replace your cup of coffee with fruit, juice, or other healthier snack.

Try an apple to see the results, but you might be surprised to find that water is the best substitute.

As soon as the urge to drink a cup of coffee appears, opt for a healthy alternative instead.

If you drink coffee to stay awake, it’s best to take a 15 to 25 minute nap to recover. The results will be more favorable, because coffee prevents you from sleeping, yes, but it does not improve your concentration, nor does it make you feel rested.

Don’t deny your body the right to get the rest it deserves. Remember that a lack of sleep and rest provokes the onset of fatigue and other diseases.

It is important that during the process of quitting excessive coffee consumption, you always have headache medication with you. Indeed, it is very common to suffer from migraines during the first days.

Latest recommendations

Tea should not be viewed as an alternative to quitting caffeine, as although it is healthier, it is also addictive and contains theine. This substance is as strong as caffeine.

It is advisable to sleep 7-8 hours a night to help your body recover and recharge with energy and vitality. That way, you’ll stay active during the day without depending on substances that keep you awake and alert.

Eating a balanced diet is essential to avoid excessive coffee consumption. Eating on time and having a snack in the middle of the morning and mid-afternoon will avoid the stress and anxiety that often causes us to think about having a coffee.

Staying hydrated is key to keeping internal organs in good working order. Two liters of water is on average the amount that we need to provide our body daily.

However, only a doctor can accurately determine the needs of each individual, based on their weight and physical condition.

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