5 Tips Against Humidity At Home

Nothing is more discouraging than a stain of humidity which damages the walls of your home or which has consequences for your health. Here you will find some tips to fight against the appearance of humidity. 

Humidity is a real problem in many homes, especially those in areas prone to the consequences of this climatic condition. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips for dealing with humidity in the home.

In this article, you will learn about some of these tips, so that you can get rid of humidity and its consequences.

As is the case for the outdoor atmosphere, an indoor humidity level greater than 60% or 70% is considered high, and can be the cause of several inconveniences within the home. These disadvantages are as follows:

  • the mites
  • the bad smell
  • bacteria and fungi
  • the mold on the walls and in corners
  • deterioration of real estate and objects

These disadvantages, in addition to causing a bad impression from an aesthetic point of view, have consequences for health. People who suffer from allergies or respiratory illnesses are the ones who will suffer the most.

That is why it is very important to take the necessary measures to remove moisture from the house. How? ‘Or’ What ? Continue reading this article, and discover our recommendations.

1. Remember to ventilate

ventilate its interior to combat humidity at home.

This is surely the most important recommendation that you will find here: it is essential to ventilate its interior well, especially in sensitive areas.  Whenever possible, leave the windows open.

If that’s not enough, you can also use a fan to keep a particular area cool.

In addition, air conditioning can help prevent humidity in areas of the house where natural air does not circulate properly. But do not overdo the air conditioning: the air we breathe should be a little humid, in order to prevent illnesses and nasal congestion.

2. Identify the sources of moisture

If you find that one area in particular is much more humid than the others, you should investigate the cause of the problem. Usually, if stains start to appear on the walls, there are broken pipes or water leaks.

You should keep in mind that if you do not do anything to immediately fix the water infiltration problems, these problems can get worse and cause flooding. Don’t leave them lying around.

3. Use a dehumidifier

use a dehumidifier to combat humidity in the home.

This appliance is ideal if you live in a rainy or cold region. In these types of areas, moisture accumulates easily. Indeed, due to bad weather, it is not possible to ventilate the house as often as it should.

Therefore, if you want to remove moisture from your interior, you should use this household appliance, so that it absorbs and drains moisture. There are different sizes and with different powers.

Regarding the economic aspect, the electrical expenses of this device are similar to those of air conditioning.

4. Remove moisture with salt 

Did you know it was possible? For this you will need a flat container and a kilo of coarse salt. Put the salt in the container, and you will see that after a few days the salt will have absorbed a large part of the moisture. When the salt  looks wet or turns black, it will be time to remove it.

Salt has a very high absorption capacity. In addition to being useful for combating humidity in the home, it can also be used to remove stains from clothes.

5. Other tips to prevent humidity at home

In addition to the previous recommendations, it is also important to prevent humidity from appearing or remaining in its interior. How do you get there? With the following simple tips.

  • When cooking, turn on the air extractor.
  • The heating temperature should not exceed 20 ° C, as this favors the appearance of humidity on the walls and in the atmosphere.
  • Dry your laundry outside the house. Otherwise, moisture will eventually spread throughout the room.
  • Do not accumulate too many plants in the same space. This promotes the production and retention of mist.

Still other aspects must be taken into account such as natural illumination and drafts. Windows and doors should be placed so that sunlight can penetrate. You can move furniture around to ensure that the air circulates properly throughout the house.

These tips will make it easier for you to remove and prevent humidity at home. The effects obtained will be first positive for your health, then for your budget, because you will not need to repaint your walls regularly.

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