5 Smoothies To Nourish And Strengthen Your Hair

In addition to providing external care, to take care of the hair, it is also useful to nourish it from the inside and provide the necessary vitamins for it. ‘they become strong and healthy.

Nourishing and strengthening your hair does not only depend on the products of external application. While we cannot deny that they have many benefits, it is essential to know that nutrition plays a major role.

Although you have become accustomed to using endless treatments to strengthen your hair, the properties that certain foods contain are essential for keeping hair strong, full and healthy.

For this reason, it is good to know certain food supplements which, due to their nutritional values, strengthen them and promote their healthy growth.

Among these, we find 5 delicious fruit and vegetable smoothies whose nutrient supply gives an “extra” of shine and strength to the hair.

Do you dare to try them? Remember to include them in your diet.

1. Spinach, lettuce and apple smoothie

apple smoothie to strengthen hair

This delicious green smoothie contains dietary fibers, amino acids and vitamins and minerals that counteract damage to the hair due to external aggressions.

It is low in calories, does not affect digestion, and, among other things, is great for promoting detoxification.


  • 6 spinach leaves
  • 3 lettuce leaves
  • 1 green apple
  • 1/2 sea green (100 ml)


  • Wash the vegetables thoroughly and place them in the blender container.
  • Cut the apple into several pieces and add it with the previous ingredients. Mix everything with half a glass of water.
  • Mix until you obtain a smooth drink.

Way of consuming

  • Take this smoothie on an empty stomach every day.

2. Orange, grapefruit and blueberry smoothie

This delicious citrus drink is recommended for those with growing problems and excessive hair loss.

Its high content of essential nutrients strengthens the hair follicles and helps maintain optimal blood circulation in the scalp.


  • 4 oranges
  • 3 grapefruits
  • 2 blueberries


  • Extract the juice from the oranges and grapefruit.
  • Pour it into the blender and add the blueberries.

Way of consuming

  • Take the drink in the middle of the morning, at least 3 times a week.

3. Carrot, alfalfa and lettuce smoothie

Rich in beta-carotenes, amino acids and iron, this nutrient liquid can help reduce the capillary weakening that occurs due to anemia.

Its properties help strengthen your hair, stimulate hair growth and neutralize some of the nutritional deficiencies that cause breakage and fall.


  • 5 carrots
  • 2 alfalfa leaves
  • 4 romaine lettuce leaves


  • Extract the juice from the carrots and mix it with the alfalfa and lettuce leaves.

Way of consuming

  • Drink the smoothie in the middle of the morning, for 2 or 3 weeks in a row.

4. Alfalfa, aloe vera and green pepper smoothie

In this homemade smoothie, we combine ingredients that provide significant amounts of antioxidants, protein, and healthy oils that help strengthen your hair.

It is recommended to decrease the excessive fall and the excess of dryness caused by the accumulation of toxins in the blood.


  • 2 tablespoons of alfalfa sprouts (5 g)
  • 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice (125 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of green pepper (5 g)
  • A teaspoon of brewer’s yeast (5 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • The juice of half a lemon


  • Mix the alfalfa sprouts in the blender with the aloe vera juice, pepper and brewer’s yeast.
  • Add a glass of water to rinse the mixture and continue to mix until you obtain a smooth drink.
  • Then add the honey and lemon juice.
  • Serve it and consume it as soon as possible.

Way of consuming

  • Eat the smoothie on an empty stomach or mid-morning.
  • Take it at least 3 times a week.

5. Apple, carrot and orange smoothie to strengthen your hair

orange smoothie to strengthen your hair

This nutritious drink contains antioxidant compounds that help repair damage to the hair caused by free radicals and the sun.

Its usual consumption promotes the elimination of toxins and the synthesis of collagen and keratin to obtain stronger hair.


  • 3 apples
  • The juice of 3 oranges
  • 3 carrots
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • Wash the apples, cut them into several pieces and put them in the blender bowl.
  • Extract the juice from the oranges and cut the carrots.
  • Add everything to the blender, including half a glass of water, and blend for a while.
  • After having obtained a homogeneous drink, serve it.

Way of consuming

  • Take the mixture at least 3 times a week.

Does your hair look dull and dehydrated? Can’t stop their fall with external treatments? Pick one of these natural smoothies and give them a nutrient boost to make them stronger.

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