5 Simple Foods To Include In Breakfast In Case Of Arthritis

Breakfast is the ideal meal to add foods that, in addition to providing us with many nutrients to face the day , help us fight inflammation associated with arthritis.

Arthritis is very common, far too common for that matter, and yet we do not yet fully understand it. When we talk about it, we think it is a classic swelling and / or deformation of some fingers, hands.

To speak of arthritis is not to refer to a particular disease. In fact, there are more than 100 types of arthritis and different diseases associated with it. 

This condition does not only affect people of old age, as there are also children, people in their prime and even athletes who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Likewise, one should also not forget about osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, in which the cartilage loses strength and resistance.

You should know that arthritis cannot be cured, it can be treated on a daily basis to obtain, as far as possible, a better quality of life.

Whether we have inflammatory, infectious or metabolic arthritis, it is necessary to rely on the advice of good professionals.

Here, we recommend something very simple and basic: take care of your diet. Start with a suitable breakfast!

We explain everything to you.

The best breakfast to reduce arthritis symptoms

We all know that taking from our diet will not cure arthritis, but with certain foods and their nutrients, we can achieve the following:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Strengthen the joints
  • Nourish the cartilage
  • Stimulate the production of collagen
  • Strengthen the immune system

Now let’s see what foods we should include in our breakfast to start the day in the best possible way.

1. Red fruits

The vast majority of fruits are, in themselves, very healthy. However, those that we categorize as “red fruits” such as strawberries, cherries, blueberries, plums or red grapes, are excellent for arthritis.

  • They are rich in antioxidants, as well as ascorbic acid (a form of vitamin C).
  • Anthocyanins and carotenoids in red berries, along with their multiple compounds, help us fight free radicals that promote inflammation.
  • The ideal is to consume fresh fruit. But, since many of these fruits are not available during the year, do not hesitate to buy them frozen. They will contain a lower vitamin charge, but they can still help you.

2. Coffee? Yes please !

Don’t worry, you won’t miss coffee if you have arthritis! Consumed in moderation and especially during the first hours of the day, it can be of great help to you.

  • Coffee is rich in antioxidant polyphenols. Thanks to it, we protect ourselves against cell damage, we fight against inflammation and we improve the health of our heart.
  • To enjoy coffee, you should know that it is not good to sweeten it with white sugar, add milk or cream. Try adding brown sugar, honey, coconut oil, or a plant-based drink like oat milk if you want a supplement at all costs.

3. Whole grains

Know that foods containing whole grains are healthier than others.

Refined grains have removed the bran and germs, where most vitamins, minerals and proteins are found.

If you consume white bread or white flour in excess, you will promote joint inflammation. So, take note of the best breakfast options:

  • Amaranth. This cereal is rich in protein, has a very pleasant taste and is similar to that of nuts. It can be made into delicious porridge or cream for breakfast.
  • Oats. An option that should never be missing from your shopping list. Mix it with a cup of strawberries, apples and honey. You will then have an excellent breakfast!
  • Buckwheat. It is very rich in protein and you can prepare it with delicious pancakes, cakes or madeleines.
  • Quinoa. This food is wonderful for fighting inflammation associated with arthritis. 

4. Carrot juice

If you don’t know which juice to choose for your breakfasts, take note: the best is carrot juice!

Its antioxidants, carotenoids, vitamins C, D and K, and its multiple minerals will take care of your joints and help you promote collagen synthesis. It is fabulous !

5. Pistachios

Surprised ? It is possible that in your case, you already consume: a good handful of pistachios a day to take care of your bones and your joints. 

  • Pistachios are an incredible natural source of protein and excellent for relieving arthritis.
  • They are rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, fiber and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). All this helps to strengthen the immune system.

To conclude, it should be added that the ideal, in all cases, is to have a varied and balanced diet.

However, sometimes, consuming foods with anti-inflammatory properties and high in vitamin C as a priority can help us alleviate the symptoms associated with arthritis. 

It is worth taking this into account, for your health, for your well-being.

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