5 Signs Of Poor Health Visible On The Nails

Having weak and brittle nails can be due to a deficit of vitamins, and it is therefore necessary to improve your diet. If the problem does not go away, it is better to see a doctor.

We often see the nails as aesthetic organs. But we can also see signs on the nails which signify health problems. Have you ever carefully looked at your nails? Are they fragile or brittle?

If so, these are warnings of alterations in the body. Maybe you need vitamins or you have anemia and you don’t know it.

In this article, we are going to tell you about the signs on your fingernails that are screaming something at you without you realizing it.

Take note of this list!

1. Dry and brittle nails

5 signs of poor health visible on the nails: dry and brittle nails

This problem is related to:

  • Thyroid problems
  • Anemia
  • Yeast infection

If your nails have become extremely dry and brittle overnight, it may be due to anemia or other thyroid issues.

And know that cuticle oil alone will not help solve the problem. Monitor your hormonal levels and make sure your thyroid is under control.

Be aware that this has no relation to weight. There is indeed a misconception that only overweight people have thyroid problems or only thin people have anemia problem.

However, these diseases are not necessarily related to weight. Also note that yeast infection can also make your nails dry and brittle.

2. Discolored nails

This should alert on a problem of:

  • Yeast infection
  • Diabetes
  • Liver, kidney, heart or lung
  • Lymphedema

Note that healthy nails should be pink, with small white lunulae near the base.

The different tones that can be found mean things:

  • Green: bacterial infection
  • Red streaks on the base of the nails: infection of the heart valve.
  • Bluish: low oxygen levels in the blood
  • Pale: vitamin deficiency
  • White: hepatitis or anemia
  • Dark stripes on the upper part: aging and congestive heart failure.
  • Dark lines under the nail: skin cancer

Remember these colors and examine your nails as soon as you think about it.

3. Chipped and cracked nails

If your hands are in water all the time, your nails will constantly switch from hydration to dehydration. Over time, this can damage and crack them. If you have a habit of putting your fingernails in your mouth, it has the same effect.

The ideal is not to bite your nails and if you have to immerse them in water often, to use gloves. This problem can also cause the nails to peel off, layer by layer.

This condition can be an indicator of deficiency in:

  • Folic acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Protein

If you see any of these signs on your nails, increase your intake of vitamin C. Consume fruits such as orange or grapefruit, at least once a day. Mango is also high in folic acid so add it to your list.

4. Too thick nails

There is no problem if your nails are thick but not accompanied by discoloration and are strong and healthy.

If your nails have been too thick for a short time and you haven’t taken any treatment to strengthen them, it could be a type of lung disease. Toenails that are too thick are not synonymous with strong nails, especially if they distort to the point of looking like claws.

If you are taking any medication and your nails are suddenly thicker, you should talk to your doctor as it could be due to an allergic reaction.

5. Nails with streaks or bumps

5 signs of poor health visible on the nails: nails with streaks

Sometimes, due to professional issues, fingernails and hands suffer from bumps and streaks may appear.

However, if you haven’t received any bangs and notice that there are several streaks on one or more nails, pay attention to your hair and skin. Deficiency of minerals and vitamins can also cause psoriasis and hair loss.

This problem goes away with an improvement in the diet or the consumption of a particular group of vitamins.

Pay attention to the signs on your nails

As you can see, the nails are not only used to be decorated with a varnish or to better fix things. They can also be a means of communication through which the body tells us that something is not working well.

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