5 Recipes For Better Blood Circulation

Many people suffer from blood circulation problems and are forced to take medicines or natural supplements, but it is even more natural to fight this problem with food.

Certain foods gradually promote better blood circulation.

In this article, we invite you to discover some original and delicious recipes for you to enjoy these ingredients.

1. Turmeric squash cream for better blood circulation

Squash cut in half

Squash decreases the absorption of fat in the arteries and is less likely to adhere to the artery walls. In addition, it has an excellent texture for making a cream, so it is the main ingredient in this recipe.

When cooking the squash, add the powdered turmeric, a typical spice from India that we use more and more thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. In this case, turmeric helps us keep the blood flow smooth.

When the cream is ready, add some pumpkin seeds which are rich in vitamin E. This vitamin protects the tissues of the body and also thins the blood, which helps us to prevent clots.

2. The orange, papaya and ginger smoothie

A sweet and exotic smoothie, which will help us improve our circulation and increase our immune defenses.

Orange and papaya provide us with vitamin C, which strengthens the capillary walls and prevents the accumulation of plaques in the blood.

The other ingredient, ginger is a spice that stimulates circulation in general. Adding it to this smoothie will help your stomach absorb nutrients and oxygen. This way, we will get the nutrients you need to circulate the blood throughout your body.

Mix all the ingredients with the water and sweeten with honey, agave syrup or cane sugar.

3. Rosemary Arugula Pesto

An original sauce for pasta and rice is to make arugula pesto flavored with fresh rosemary.

Crush the following ingredients:

  • 50 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves of raw garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt
  • 100 grams of fresh arugula
  • 1 pinch of fresh rosemary
  • 2 handfuls of raw pine nuts or walnuts

Rosemary is a great internal and external remedy for blood circulation.

Garlic helps us cleanse the blood and prevent plaque buildup. The texture should be solid but creamy.

4. Spicy tomato juice

Three tomatoes

Tomato is a fruit rich in lycopene, an antioxidant nutrient that stimulates blood circulation and helps us prevent heart problems.

The cayenne pepper is a spice that we use in small amounts because it is very spicy but used sensibly, it also helps us to stimulate blood circulation and thin the blood.

Mix the well-peeled ripe tomato and add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt, a little fresh parsley or basil and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

5. Nut milk and cinnamon

It is an alternative to cow’s milk, also very nutritious, delicious and original.

Dried fruits contain polyunsaturated fatty acids which lower cholesterol and triglycerides, thin the blood and thus reduce the risk of clots. The walnut, in concrete terms, is rich in vitamin B3 (thiamine).

The c anneals, in addition to providing a taste of the beverage, also has anti-sclerotic and antithrombotic properties.

Soak the nuts for an hour, mix them with water and strain the drink. Add cinnamon powder and sweeten it. Serve it very cold.

Images from alpha, madlyinlovewithlife and postbear

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