5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Ending A Relationship

Before making the decision to end a relationship, it is fundamental to see if it is something that really comes from. we. Or if the decision is influenced by outside opinions.

Ending a relationship is a very difficult decision to make. But at the same time, it is very important. For this, it is essential to see this situation as an opportunity to ask the right questions.

Questions that will open your eyes and reflect on whether it is right to choose this option of breaking up or if, on the contrary, it is a bad way.

All of these questions will also help you learn from this relationship. So if you choose to break up, you can build healthier bonds in the future.

1. You were looking for the “model” of the ideal partner in the other?

questions to ask yourself before ending a relationship: ideal model

This is very important, because we all have expectations and sometimes they play tricks on us. Sometimes we don’t see the other as a human being, but as a role model, which will end badly, no doubt.

Expectations are nothing more, and over time they can get frustrated. This will disappoint us and cause us to reprimand the other in relation to certain things.

It is essential that we take this into account to know if this is the problem that caused us to want to end the relationship. In case we do, let’s learn how to remove that bandage from our eyes that makes us fall in love with an ideal, but not with a real human being.

2. Is my relationship toxic?

If ending a relationship is a decision that is taken because of a discomfort that has arisen and that has continued to grow, it is necessary to reflect on the toxicity of the relationship.

For this it is important to take a certain distance and above all, time.

Feelings, emotions, and pain can keep us from seeing things clearly. Not to have seen the signs of abuse, manipulation, lies and mistreatment that we have suffered.

If we are in a toxic relationship, it is essential to end it as soon as possible. Because, as the term itself shows, it poisons, injures and hurts two people. And so they do not take advantage of their relationship and their love.

3. The situation I find myself in is quiet or is stress prevailing?

While it may seem trivial, times when we have a lot of work and stress can cause us to be less flexible, less tolerant, and to make hasty and bad decisions.

When we suffer from a lot of stress or even anxiety we can bring everything to its limit or even lose sight of everything that is happening around us.

For this, it is necessary to know if we are in a quiet phase of our life. Because it is possible that this is the reason why we decide to end a relationship.

4. Are third parties affecting my relationship as a couple?

The importance of other people in our relationship is greater than we think. This is why asking this question is very important.

Sometimes the refusal of a father who does not accept his son’s relationship, for example, can cause conflict and discord in the couple who do not live their relationship in a healthy way.

When a parent rejects our partner we can feel assaulted, hurt. The worst is that all this, unconsciously, we will project it on our partner on whom we will then let all our frustrations fall.

5. Do I have confidence in my decision or do I doubt?

questions before ending a relationship: confidence in the decisionWe have been educated to pay attention to the opinions of others about certain aspects of our life.

If a friend tells you that the relationship isn’t right for you, that they don’t like your partner. Or, on the contrary, you are told what you are going to miss, and that you are asked how you can let such a good game escape …

All of this can influence you when you decide whether or not to make a decision based on what others are telling you.

For this it is very important to know what you want. Walk away from all opinions and search your inner self for the answer that only you know.

Before ending a relationship, ask yourself these 5 questions. You will then discover things about yourself that you did not know. You will learn from this experience and most importantly, you will know that the decision you make will be the right one.

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