5 Mistakes You Make When Cleansing Your Face That Make Your Skin Aging

If you are not used to cleaning your face when you get up, it is possible that bacteria and sebum in the night accumulate there, adding to environmental residues.

Taking care of your skin by cleansing your face is an easy thing to do that can guarantee you a youthful appearance for many years to come.

However, you may not take the recommended care when cleaning your face. Have you ever thought about it?

Below we will tell you about the mistakes you make on your face that are adding years to your skin. Perhaps this will help you understand why the first fine lines appeared or spots on your skin for no apparent reason.

You are ready ?

1. You don’t bother to use a cleanser for your face

Use a cleanser for your face.

The most basic mistake is to skip the cleanup process. You may think that it is okay to go to bed as you arrived home.

After all, you’ll shower the next morning and wash off the residue by then, right? However, the problem is that sleeping like this causes the makeup, pollution and dirt that collects on the face to clog the pores of the skin.

This facilitates the appearance of acne, as well as the first wrinkles and certain infections. It is recommended that you clean the skin on your face every 10 hours or so. Which corresponds more or less to morning and evening.

You don’t have to complicate your life because you just need to wash your face well with water and neutral soap. If you prefer something more hydrating, try this spray:


  • 1/2 cup chamomile tea (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of cucumber water (30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (30 g)

What should you do ?

  • Mix all the ingredients and put them in a spray bottle.
  • When cleaning your face, apply a sufficient amount of the product and cleanse in circular motions with a cotton pad.
  • Finish by rinsing with a skin of cool water and go to sleep. You will see that the next day your skin will be soft, nourished and perfect.

2. You never apply an exfoliator as a cleanser for your face.

We said before that the most common mistake was not to remove makeup, but that’s only the first step.

The function of the exfoliant is to remove toxins and dirt that accumulate in the deep layers of the skin.

The ideal is to use an exfoliant designed for all skin types. So you can clean your skin and treat the most common problems.

  • On sensitive skin you should apply gentle and moisturizing exfoliators.
  • If your skin is oily, it will be necessary to use exfoliators that control the problem without dehydrating.

In the long term, it is recommended to apply the exfoliant once a week. Thus you will cleanse in depth without removing the natural oils from the skin.

It is only in the most extreme cases that it might be necessary to apply the exfoliator twice a week.

Finally, we recommend that you choose natural exfoliators to cleanse your face.

3. You only use facial cleanser once a day

Daily cleanser for your face.

Even if you cleaned your face and removed makeup the night before, you need to cleanse your face every morning. Be aware that at night, bacteria thrive on your skin.

In addition, there are dust mites and laundry residue from the bed as well as air pollutants.

To prevent these elements from being a problem, cleanse your face every morning with cool water and soap or with the cleansing spray we gave you the recipe previously.

If you have very oily skin or have gone to sports, you should also clean your face to remove the accumulated residue.

If you have very dry skin, apply a little moisturizer after washing your face so as not to make the problem worse.

4. You change products too quickly

If you’re frustrated that none of the products you use to cleanse your face seem to work, it might be because you’ve made a mistake.

Unfortunately, we are often desperate and want to be perfect in a matter of minutes. However, both commercial and home products require multiple applications for you to notice improvement.

The minimum time you should wait to see changes is four weeks, although only six weeks will you be able to see the real changes. Also, you have to consider the fact that you have to be regular.

If you apply a cleansing gel for a week that promises to reduce pore size and change it the next week, you may never see any effect. Let your skin adjust to the ingredients for it to really benefit.

5. You use too many products while cleaning your face

You use too many products while cleaning your face.

What’s your beauty routine? You might think that cleaning your face with several different products will improve their effect, but it’s the opposite. You should only choose one product per need.

When you use several products with the same goal you irritate the skin, you aggravate the problems that you already have and you generate new ones. If you opt for a cleansing tonic, stop using soap or serum.

The combinations you need to make are the ones that include a cleanser and a moisturizer.

This will also help you save money, as you will only have to buy two or three products.

Now that you know them, tell us about the mistakes you make when cleaning your face.

  • Tiwle, DKS and R. (2016). Formulation and characterization of herbal face wash / scruber. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research.
  • Gabel, SL (2001). “I wash my face with dirty water”: Narratives of disability and pedagogy. Journal of Teacher Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487101052001004
  • McCauley, AP, Lynch, M., Pounds, MB, & West, S. (1990). Changing water-use patterns in a water-poor area: Lessons for a trachoma intervention project. Social Science and Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1016/0277-9536(90)90129-G
  • Clínica Mayo. https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/diseases-conditions/acne/symptoms-causes/syc-20368047

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