5 Homemade Tips Against Rough And Dry Elbows

To avoid the accumulation of dead skin, it is essential, before applying any treatment, to perform an exfoliation. This is how we will succeed in getting the products we are going to use well in, so that they are more effective.

Having rough elbows is very common. When the skin around this joint starts to get very thick and almost black, it becomes a major cosmetic problem, and we want to fix it quickly.

But what can we do? We can use very expensive treatments, but they often take a long time to show results.

Better to use a few home remedies which, apart from being more economical, are also much more effective.

We are sure that the advice we will give you below will be very useful to you in the fight against your rough and dry elbows.

The importance of exfoliation

Exfoliation of our skin should be part of our daily beauty ritual.

Most of the time, we limit ourselves to applying creams and treatments, hoping for quick results.

However, you should know that a good prior exfoliation to remove dead skin is a condition of the effectiveness of these products.

What’s the best way to exfoliate the skin that covers our elbows?

  • You will need 3 tablespoons of sugar (about 30 g) and a tablespoon of olive oil (25 g).
  • Mix the two ingredients in a bowl, then take a cotton ball.
  • Rub this mixture of olive oil and sugar vigorously on your rough elbows for 5 minutes, then rinse everything with lukewarm water.

In this way, your skin will already be ready to be able to apply the home treatments that we are going to advise you now.

How to recover the elasticity of your rough and black elbows?


  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)
  • The juice of half a lemon


Once the skin on your elbows is well exfoliated, you can prepare a very simple remedy which will allow you to recover the elasticity and smoothness of the skin in this area of ​​your body.

  • For this, you will need to make a childish mixture, based on honey and lemon.
    Use a small container, in which you will put 25 grams of pure honey, then the juice of half a lemon. Stir everything well.
  • Then, apply it on the area of ​​your elbow, using a cotton pad, then make sure that the mixture soaks well into the skin.
    You can do this treatment in the evening, before your bath, for example. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • If you do this treatment 4 times a week, you will get very fast results.

A simple castor oil remedy

Castor oil can be bought at any beauty or natural product store. It is very economical and has many uses, in particular to promote eyelash growth.

How can castor oil help you treat your dry, rough elbows?

  • The fatty acids in castor oil are very useful in repairing the skin when it is rough and dry.
  • Castor oil has emollient properties which, through daily use, can make your skin softer, more supple and more elastic.
  • This oil consists of a mixture of unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, stearic acid, or dihydroxystearic acid.
    They are very effective in sanitizing any type of skin, and work as excellent antimicrobial agents.

If you want to get good results, you will only have to apply a few drops of castor oil to your elbows every morning. You will love!

A home treatment for rough elbows

If your elbows seem really rough to you, and they regularly suffer from inflammation, we suggest you try this very simple aloe vera remedy.

You will feel almost immediate relief, and the appearance of your skin will improve day by day.


  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (15 g)
  • 10 drops of rosehip essential oil
  • Rosehip essential oil is very useful for treating scaly skin, and you can find it in any specialty beauty store, or herbalist’s store.
    It is possible that its price is quite high, but the investment is worth it, in view of its many virtues.
  • So start by extracting 15 g of aloe vera gel. To do this, cut a stem from the plant, then scrape the translucent gel with a spoon.
  • Put this gel in a bowl or small container, then add 10 drops of rosehip essential oil. With the help of a spoon, mix the two ingredients well.
  • Then, you will only have to apply the treatment to your elbows, three times a week. It is very pleasant, it smells very good, and has a strong healing, softening and repairing power. Your skin will love it!

How to whiten your elbows?


  • ½ lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)


  • It is very simple. To whiten your darkened elbows, you will need to cut a lemon in half.
    Once you have done this, add 10g of baking soda directly to the fruit, as you can see in the image above. Then rub your elbows directly with the lemon pulp.

The results may not be immediate, but after 5-6 days you should start to notice that your skin takes on a lighter shade.

If you apply any of the treatments we told you about before, you will enjoy softer, smoother and whiter elbows.

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