5 Exercises For A Patient With Hypertension

Although it may sound contradictory, the increased heart rate in patients with hypertension is not harmful. Exercise helps lower blood pressure, improve fitness, and decrease risk factors that lead to chronic disease.

According to information published by the Spanish Heart Foundation, physical exercise is ideal in the treatment and prevention of hypertension, as it helps to lower blood pressure. These experts also reported that in 1989, after several studies, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Society of Hypertension for the first time recommended the performance of exercise as part of the prevention not pharmacological of this condition.

Before starting an exercise program, it should be taken into account that the main thing is to consult the doctor to consider additional measures depending on the state of health of each individual. Here are some recommended physical exercises that a patient with high blood pressure can do.

What is hypertension?

A patient with hypertension in consultation

This is the continuous or sustained increase in the level of blood pressure. To better understand it, it is important to define it. When the heart puts stress on the arteries, they carry blood to the various organs of the human body. This action is known as blood pressure.

The maximum pressure is obtained with each contraction of the heart; we speak of systolic pressure. The minimum pressure, for its part, is observed at each relaxation; this is the diastolic pressure.

Benefits of sports practice in a patient with hypertension

Although it may seem inconsistent, increasing the heart rate in hypertension is neither smart nor counterproductive. It should therefore be emphasized that physical exercise lowers blood pressure, improves physical condition and decreases risk factors that lead to chronic diseases. The Spanish Society of Hypertension published a study that demonstrated the following:

  • First of all, patients will gradually feel healthier and more fit.
  • In addition, they stay within the limits of body weight and thus prevent obesity
  • It will also allow them to have a better functioning heart and reduce the number of beats per minute.
  • Patients may also experience anxiety, depression and stress.
  • Finally, it controls their blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels.

How and what exercises to do?

The main thing is that the exercise be of moderate intensity, constant and under the control of a specialist. People with high blood pressure who do not have heart failure can do moderate stress exercises, such as jogging, at a good pace, 3 or 4 days a week, at 20 to 25 minute intervals.

For people with high blood pressure, exercises that use several rhythmic and aerobic muscle groups, such as walking, dancing, running, swimming, and cycling, are effective.

Exercises that can be performed by a patient with hypertension

1. Cycling

It is good to ride a bicycle for people with hypertension

This exercise is ideal for resistance training. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, metabolism and the immune system. In addition, it tones the muscles of the legs and back, so that the joints do not experience overload. Blood pressure rises at the start of this practice, although in the long run it may drop to its lowest level.

2. Dance

This activity is a positive addition to treatments that help reduce hypertension. It improves cardiovascular capacity and lowers cholesterol levels. It also reduces stress, which is one of the triggers of high blood pressure.

3. Walk

As a study conducted by specialists in the High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Risks Unit indicates, there is currently ample evidence that the manifestation of hypertension in the general population is influenced by psychological factors.

The health benefits of walking are undeniable. They help burn calories, increase muscle tone and maintain bone mass. Stress and anxiety are powerful triggers for high blood pressure. Walking therefore helps to control it, improves mood, counteracts panic attacks and relieves nervousness.

4. Run

This physical exercise is only recommended for patients who do not suffer from heart failure, as this practice increases the heart rate. The positive side is that it increases good cholesterol, reduces blood clots, speeds up metabolism, and lowers the risk of suffering from high blood pressure.

5. Swim

Types of swimming such as front crawl, breaststroke, butterfly or backstroke are styles that suit every type of person and are recommended for people with high blood pressure. Common benefits of swimming range from increasing cardiorespiratory endurance and reducing heart rate to stimulating circulation. On the other hand, swimming a few times a day also helps improve mood as it helps reduce stress.

Finally, when one chooses a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet is combined with a good training, and diseases and their effects are reduced. In any case, you should always consult your doctor before making any decisions regarding your health.

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