5 Benefits Of Hot Stone Massages

If you are exposed to stressful situations, hot stone massage may be a great option for you. Discover their benefits and contraindications.

Muscle pain manifests itself as a result of a number of factors ranging from stress, insomnia, anxiety, circulatory or joint problems. Therefore, all kinds of therapy have emerged to resolve these ailments. This is the case with hot stone massages.

This is a treatment that  combines traditional therapeutic massage with the application of hot stones to the skin. This would help in the circulation of vital energy and the relief of physical and emotional ailments. Here is more information later in this article.

What does hot stone massage consist of?

The official name of this method is geothermal therapy and it focuses on the application of stones to the body. These are heated beforehand and then placed on the skin in order to relieve tension in the muscles to repair damaged soft tissues or even promote energy circulation.

It is essential to clarify that the stones used for this therapy are specific. They are usually made of basalt, a type of volcanic rock that is flat and soft in shape. This material is then heated to a temperature between 130 and 145 degrees.

Then, they are applied to specific areas of the body, such as the spine, chest, stomach, face, palms of the hands and feet. The technique used will depend on the professional.

Some masseurs usually hold the stones in their hands and then place them on people. It is also possible to combine with a Swedish massage, vibrations or circular movements.

Hot stones used for massage.

What are the benefits of hot stone massages?

This practice has become increasingly popular due to its relaxing effects on the body, in addition to its energy renewal properties. We now explain in detail all these benefits!

1. Relief of muscle pain

Here is the most famous benefit of hot stone massages. Heat is indeed the ideal ally to relieve muscle pain  as well as tension in the body.

Massage increases blood flow to the affected area and helps reduce muscle spasms. Besides that, it decreases the inflammation that can present in the muscles.

2. Reduced stress and anxiety levels

Stress and anxiety are a problem that more and more people suffer from as a result of an active lifestyle. The worries or inconveniences of everyday life become small charges of negative energy.

However, among the many treatments that exist for this, hot stone massages are effective in reducing stress levels. Through massage,  energy circulates and harmony is achieved between body, mind and spirit.

3. Better joint flexibility

When a person develops joint problems, it can trigger another round of generalized pain that becomes very uncomfortable. Therefore, when limitations are identified, such as difficulty in moving around, one of the first solutions considered is massage.

Hot stone massages are usually the best option. Indeed,  this type of therapy is ideal for relaxing muscles and reducing inflammation.

4. Improved quality of sleep

Various factors such as stress, anxiety or pain in the body often lead to further suffering related to difficulty in resting. In this sense, it is important to stress the need for effective rest in order to be able to work optimally during the day.

Hot stone massages are useful for promoting general relaxation of the body. They  thus make it possible to obtain a deeper sleep and of better quality.

5. Aesthetic effects of hot stone massages

Finally, the benefits of these massages on the skin are indisputable. Through the improvement that takes place in the bloodstream as well as the elimination of toxins,  the therapy helps to make the skin look much smoother and healthier. In other words, the massage revitalizes, oxygenates and illuminates the dermatological tissue.

Recommendations and contraindications for hot stone massages

Despite the properties of hot stone massages,  there is a set of recommendations that should be taken into account. The fact that it is a natural therapy does not mean that it is free from contraindications.

See a doctor

Before going to a center that performs this type of massage,  it is best to consult a doctor about your problem. There may be more to your condition than just muscle pain. A specialist’s examination is therefore necessary.

On the other hand, if you have bleeding disorders, burns on the skin, or if you have had surgery in the last six weeks, this kind of practice is not recommended.

Perform massages with professionals

No matter which massage you choose, the choice of therapist is very important. Because not everyone knows the correct techniques for hot stone massages, for example.

It will also prevent more serious consequences, such as skin burns or worsening lesions.

Contraindication in case of tearing of the skin

If you have any bruises, scrapes, cuts or burns, no matter how severe, this type of massage should be avoided at all costs before the lesions heal.

Applying hot stones to the skin can increase the risk of more serious damage. They can also cause  infections from bacteria in the oils used for massage.

Do not perform hot stone massage in case of respiratory disease

This suggestion sounds like common sense, but many don’t take it seriously. Anyone with a cold, flu, or fever should avoid receiving a hot stone massage until they have fully recovered.

Know that  the common cold causes difficulty in regulating body temperature. Therefore, if hot stones are applied to the skin, the experience can be very unpleasant.

Hot stone massage on the back of a woman.

Hot stone massages against the background of geothermal therapy

In summary,  geothermal therapy is a safe and rewarding technique. Many people who experience it appreciate the relatively immediate changes in muscle relaxation. They also note improvements in sleep.

If you want to live that experience, here are some useful recommendations to finish:

  • Make sure you go to a professional place that has the necessary hygiene methods.
  • Contact the therapist and explain your case to him. It can then adapt to your needs.
  • If in doubt,  consult a doctor first and then the therapist.
  • Let the masseur know if you have any health problem.

Finally, as for the frequency of this type of massage, it depends on each one. For example, if you are an athlete, you can receive it two or three per week during intense training. On the other hand, if your physical activity is less, once or twice a month is sufficient.

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