4 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Nasal Crusts

Due to the weather, humidity or congestion, the mucous membranes of the nose can develop scabs, causing discomfort and pain.

How to get rid of nasal crusts? This bothersome and painful problem is often temporary. However, some people suffer from it regularly for various reasons.

We are going to tell you about the cause of nasal crusts, along with some effective home remedies to get rid of them. Read on to know about these natural remedies!

Nasal crusts

Nasal crusts appear when a sore has formed during the healing process. In reality, these scabs, although annoying, facilitate the regeneration of the skin.

A woman with a bleeding nose.

But why do we sometimes have scabs on our noses – on the outside? The most common cause is dry skin, which can be caused by the weather or allergic rhinitis. In some cases, it can also be due to the herpes simplex virus. Usually this affects the lips, but it can also affect the nose area.

If you have any doubts, we recommend that you consult a doctor. Especially if the dryness of the nose is accompanied by other symptoms.

After your doctor has examined you and prescribed treatment , follow their directions for effective relief. Likewise, it is important to ask the doctor which home remedies are compatible with your treatment and why.

Remedies to get rid of nasal crusts

According to popular wisdom, these home remedies can help speed up wound healing. As a result, they can eliminate nasal crusts and more particularly those on the outside of the nose. Talk to your doctor before applying them, to avoid any risk of allergy and other reactions.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera to relieve nasal crusts.

Aloe vera, or aloe, is a very popular medicinal plant. A gelatinous and viscous substance can be extracted from its leaves. This has many beneficial properties for health, both internally and externally.

It is believed that topical application of aloe vera can help regenerate the skin while also moisturizing it. Thanks to these two virtues, this natural remedy will be very effective in helping to eliminate nasal crusts.

  • If the gel comes directly from the plant, it must be run under water to remove the yellow layer (sage).
  • Before applying it to the affected area, an allergy test should be done. To do this, apply a little gel to the crook of the arm and observe if a reaction occurs for 30-40 minutes.
  • If no adverse reaction occurs, you can apply aloe vera gel (fresh or in a bottle) to the area to be treated, several times a day.
  • In some drugstores and herbalists, you can buy aloe vera drops to relieve discomfort in the nose.

2. Rosehip oil

According to popular wisdom, the oil that is extracted from the fruit of the rosehip is excellent for providing hydration and elasticity to the skin. This can prevent the appearance of wounds, and at the same time nasal crusts.

The regenerative effect of this oil is so effective that it is part of the preparation of all types of cosmetics, including those designed to prevent and reduce wrinkles, correct stretch marks, stains, etc. However, it is quite dense, especially for dry and mature skin.

  • A small amount is enough (1 or 2 drops only), to apply to the affected area to moisturize it and promote its regeneration.

3. Calendula

Calendula flower is well known for its virtues in the treatment of certain dermatological problems. Among other things, it can relieve bruises and contusions, as well as inflammation of the skin. It is therefore a ready-made remedy to get rid of nasal crusts, whether due to rhinitis or herpes.

You can find several calendula-based products: oils, extracts, creams, etc. All are assets to have in your first aid kit.

4. Virgin coconut oil

Coconut oil for nasal crusts.

Virgin coconut oil is considered a versatile fatty substance. That is why it is often used in the manufacture of various cosmetic products. It is a must have among your beauty products, as it is so beneficial for the skin, lips, hair, etc.

  • Apply a little virgin coconut oil to the skin to nourish it and promote healing, which will help prevent lesions.

Before choosing a remedy, consult a doctor

Before applying any home remedy, it is important to consult a doctor. Even if you don’t have a skin disease or allergy. Thus, you will avoid the inconvenience of improper use.

The doctor can always tell you what is best for you and why. So you will only reap the benefits. Don’t underestimate his advice.

If he tells you the use of a remedy, follow his recommendations. Especially when it comes to an area as delicate as the rim and inside of the nose. Keep in mind that the mucous membranes can become irritated and easily injured if you are not careful.

We’ve shown you that calendula, aloe vera, rosehip, and coconut oil are some of the most common options for removing nasal crusts naturally. But they are not the only ones. There are many other formulas – made from natural ingredients – to take care of the skin and soothe it.

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