3 Recommendations For Reducing Sodium Intake

Have you been diagnosed with hypertension and recommended to reduce the sodium content in your diet? Here are 3 tips to make it happen.

For many people, reducing sodium intake is an inevitable task because cardiovascular health depends on it. This mineral is one of the most abundant in the body  and performs such important functions as ensuring the transmission of nerve impulses.

However, too much ingestion is associated with a poor prognosis in people with hypertension. It is for this reason that we are now going to bring you a series of recommendations to reduce it in your diet. If you put them into practice, you will be able to see how much your health improves in the medium and long term.

These tips should still be taken into account by people who have problems with the management of this mineral. In the case of athletes or people who are exposed to a high level of perspiration, the indications could be different.

How to reduce sodium consumption?

We are going to show you some dietary techniques that will help you reduce the presence of sodium in your diet. Remember that if you have any doubts about the need to restrict the intake of this mineral,  the best option will always be to consult a specialist,  who will be able to help you set up an optimal diet.

1. Be careful with canned foods

Pickled vegetables or canned foods are a good option for disposing of off-season products or for increasing their useful life. This is an interesting and convenient way to eat certain foods year round.

Canned pulses, for example, fall under the category of healthy processed foods  Their regular ingestion guarantees a good intake of fiber, which is directly linked to better intestinal health. This is according to research published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice , where they are defended when it comes to reducing transit problems in the elderly.

However, canned foods generally contain high doses of sodium, which could be harmful for some people. Experts link the dietary intake of this mineral to an increase in blood pressure, although the latest scientific articles show some divergence on this subject. Anyway, until proven otherwise, the medical prescription is to reduce salt in people with hypertension.

2. Reduce sodium consumption through sauces

Sauces generally contain large amounts of salt. When it comes to reducing sodium intake, it is beneficial to remove this type of food from our regular diet.

However, you should know that the worst of these products is not their mineral content but their excessive caloric intake. In some cases, the presence of trans-type lipids in their composition is another negative factor. These fats are linked to a greater risk of developing chronic inflammatory-type diseases, according to an article published in the journal BMJ.

If you plan to consume a sauce, the best solution is to make a homemade sauce. This way we will know its ingredients and can choose their origin.

In case you buy industrial-type sauces, it is essential to pay attention to the label and avoid those that contain high amounts of sodium,  trans-type fats and additives. It is good to be informed about this and to take a good look at the nutritional tables that come with the packaging.

3. Avoid fast food

Fast food industries often add large amounts of salt to foods to improve their taste. This is why their sodium content is very high.

In addition,  dishes from fast food chains contain chemical additives  that can be unhealthy. These foods tend to be fried or breaded, which further reduces their nutritional quality.

When considering a balanced and healthy diet,  it is essential to ensure the presence of fresh foods in the diet. In addition, it is recommended to reduce your consumption of processed products, in order to avoid the intake of substances that could be harmful to the cardiovascular system.

As a part of the strategy to treat high blood pressure, nutritionists generally recommend drastically cutting back on fast foods. In this way, they ensure that the patient does not have direct access to foods that would complicate the internal fluid balance, thus increasing the blood pressure numbers.

You should not eat fast food if you want to reduce sodium consumption.

Sometimes reducing sodium intake may be necessary

If you suffer from high blood pressure, the specialist will probably recommend that you reduce your sodium intake to avoid complications arising from the progression of this pathology. To meet this standard, it is important that you take into account the advice we have given you in this article.

Remember that  the basis of a healthy diet is variety and, above all, the predominance of fresh produce and fruits and vegetables. Try to combine a good diet with regular exercise to promote good health.

Finally, if you are athletic and train outdoors, consult a nutrition professional before deciding to reduce dietary sodium intake. Otherwise, you could endanger your electrolyte balance and, consequently, your athletic performance.

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