3 Juices For Bloating Intestines

Here are some fruits that can help you feel better, such as pineapple. It is a diuretic fruit that has the ability to fight stomach problems and feelings of bloating.

Bowel bloating or abdominal distension is a fairly common condition. It can be caused by many causes, and not just a poor diet. Sometimes the cause is simply slow digestion, food intolerance, or also an irritable bowel problem.

Some medical publications clearly explain the possible triggers. To prevent or help solve this problem, it is possible to introduce  simple home remedies into daily life, although these can never replace doctor’s indications. In this article, we are going to offer you 3 delicious juice recipes to treat intestinal bloating in order to complete the indications of a professional.

Watermelon, lemon, strawberry and mint juice for intestinal bloating

This juice will be of great help on the days when you feel your belly bloated as well as a feeling of heaviness. Do you want to try it?

The basis of this natural drink is watermelon or, if you prefer, melon. Watermelon is rich in water. Something that, according to a 2016 study published in Frontiers in Nutrition, contributes to weight loss.

In addition, mint also helps fight against abdominal distension. Its soothing and antispasmodic properties improve digestion and relieve pain and inflammation,  according to a study published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics .


  • 1 cup of diced watermelon (220 g)
  • 10 strawberries
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First, cut out 220 grams of watermelon (or melon).
  • Squeeze the lemon juice and set aside.
  • Then cut the strawberries in half and wash them well. Then, put all the ingredients in the blender : the watermelon, lemon juice, strawberries and a glass of water.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous juice, add 2 ice cubes if you wish. Then enjoy!

Pineapple, grapefruit and nopal juice to fight intestinal bloating

Nopal juice

If there’s one fruit that promotes digestion and helps fight abdominal distension, it’s pineapple. Thanks to one of its enzymes, called bromelain, it is possible to treat certain intestinal problems and also stomach problems that cause swelling. Bromelain has anti-inflammatory actions according to a study published in Biotechnology Research International .

On the other hand, the soluble fibers present in nopal offer all the benefits of this nutrient. As a publication in the Cuban Journal of Integral Medicine explains , this component has the property of preventing diseases related to the digestive system, in addition to improving its functioning.


  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 grapefruit
  • A spoonful of nopal pulp (10 g)
  • Glass of water (200 ml)


  • The most important is the nopal leaf. One can find this plant in the market or in health food stores or grocery stores. Remove its translucent pulp located in the center and put it in the blender.
  • Then squeeze the grapefruit.
  • Put all the ingredients in the blender:  the water, the pineapple cut into pieces, the spoonful of nopal pulp and the lemon juice.
  • Mix until you obtain a very homogeneous mixture.

Papaya, pear and aloe vera juice for intestinal bloating

Papaya is wonderful for digestive health and for helping to achieve a flat stomach. Of course, this is only possible as part of a balanced and healthy diet as well as regular physical exercise.

Several academic publications  suggest that papain has beneficial effects on the digestive system. However, there is not sufficient evidence on this. Even so, if you mix it with a little pear, you benefit from its vitamin, mineral and fiber content which also helps digestion.

On the other hand,  aloe vera is said to have beneficial effects on the digestive system. Although, so far, only its properties for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux have been scientifically proven. This is confirmed in a study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

In addition, according to a study published in Letters in Applied Microbiologyaloe vera helps treat infection caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori . This bacteria can cause conditions that cause inflammation of the intestinal lining, among others.


  • 1 cup of chopped papaya (170 g)
  • ½ pear
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (15 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First extract the spoonful of the aloe vera. If you have a plant in your home, just cut out a small piece and remove the gel from the inside.
  • Then cut a few pieces of papaya and do the same with the pear. Remember that here half the fruit is enough.
  • Put the glass of water, papaya, aloe vera and half a pear in the blender. Mix until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.

You will see that this refreshing, light and healthy juice will be of great help to you in the fight against a bloated stomach. In addition, its flavor is exquisite!

Consult the doctor in case of intestinal bloating

As you have seen, these juices contain various benefits that contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system. They can therefore help you feel better and fight inflammation and the feeling of heaviness in the bloated stomach.

However,  if symptoms persist or worsen, it is essential to consult a gastroenterologist. The professional will indicate to you an adequate treatment that you can, in any case, supplement with these natural juices.

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