3 Egg Salads You Will Love

Many salads can fill us up quickly, depending on the foods we add to them. For this reason, a good egg salad can be a meal that is not only nutritious but also rich and healthy.

When we talk about egg salads, we tend to always think of preparations that include hard-boiled eggs. We often forget that there are loads of ways to prepare eggs, and so, other ways to prepare and include the egg. To help you, here are some very varied options that will not leave you hungry for more.

An important aspect that should be emphasized is that hard-boiled egg salads should be eaten the same day they are prepared ; and at the latest the next day in the case of leftovers.

If they are stored in the refrigerator once cooked, with their shell, the eggs can be kept for up to four days.

Obviously, this is due to the fact that the egg is an ingredient which, when cooked, begins to lose its storage capacity.

Egg salads

egg salad recipes

1. Sardines and eggs (4 people)


  • 2 mandarins
  • ½ red pepper (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard (30 g)
  • 1 bag of arugula (300 g)
  • 1 can of sardines in vinegar (125 g)
  • Flour (at your convenience)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • Olive oil (at your convenience)
  • Condiments: salt and pepper


  1. First, clean the arugula leaves and drain them well.
  2. Then peel the mandarins and separate the segments (without removing the skin).
  3. Reserve in the fridge.
  4. Preheat a pan where you will have poured a little olive oil.
  5. Open the can of sardines, drain them and cut them in half, just below the middle line.
  6. Then coat them with a little flour, soak them in the beaten egg and fry them.
  7. In a bowl, put the mustard and honey with a drizzle of olive oil. Once the mixture has emulsified, salt and pepper and mix with a spoon with slow movements.
  8. Finally add the arugula, peppers and sardines in a bowl and distribute the mandarin segments evenly. Prepare the dressing separately and it’s ready!

2. Vegetables and eggs

stuffed and au gratin eggs

  • ½ avocado
  • 1 cup of quinoa (160 g)
  • 2 medium eggs ½ broccoli (100 g)
  • 1 packet of spinach (500 g)
  • Olive oil (at your convenience)
  • Optional: Brussels sprouts.


  1. First, prepare the quinoa. Remember that for each cup of quinoa is two cups of water.
  2. While the quinoa cooks, put the eggs and broccoli to cook (preferably steam it so that they stay al dente).
  3. Wash and drain the spinach well.
  4. Once the eggs are ready, you can remove the shell and slice them.
  5. Remove the flesh from the avocado and season it with a little salt and black pepper. Then add a little olive oil and set aside. You can also make a light guacamole.
  6. Add all the ingredients to a bowl and serve separately with the avocado dressing.

3. Carrots and hard-boiled egg (for 2 people)


  • The juice of one lemon 1 tablespoon of sugar (15 g)
  • 4 medium eggs
  • 3 large carrots
  • 2 tablespoons of skimmed milk (30 ml)
  • Olive oil (at your convenience)
  • Condiments: salt, black pepper


  1. Wash, peel and grate the carrots. The carrot should preferably be grated into thick slices, which are easier to handle.
  2. Sprinkle the sugar over the carrots and set aside.
  3. Separately, break and beat the eggs. After mixing well, add the milk and beat again.
  4. Then add a pinch of salt and black pepper to the eggs.
  5. Lightly grease a pan and pour in the eggs to cook the tortilla.
  6. Once the tortilla is ready, let it cool down a bit to room temperature and cut it into thin strips.
  7. In a bowl, place the grated carrot and add a little oil, lemon juice and salt. Toss and add the tortilla strips before serving.

To conclude

Salads with eggs are very easy to prepare, and since this ingredient can be prepared in so many ways, it is very easy to incorporate it into different recipes. Remember that it is not always necessary to resort to hard-boiled eggs: you can also prepare the eggs in the form of tortillas, poached, etc. However, in case you want your plate to remain low in calories, the best option will obviously be hard-boiled eggs.

When it comes to dressings, they mainly depend on the type of salad we incorporate into our recipe, as some taste more bitter than others and can spice up or disguise certain flavors.

For example, if the salad contains carrots and apples, it is better to opt for a bittersweet vinaigrette to enhance the taste. On the other hand, for a salad of lettuce, tomatoes and eggs, it is best to prepare a dressing that is sufficiently sour to give the salad a more intense taste.

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