2 Delicious Recipes For Chicken With Mushrooms

Chicken and mushrooms are two simple and delicious ingredients that combine perfectly. Don’t miss out on these succulent chicken and mushroom recipes.

Chicken is a meat that almost everyone likes. It is also possible to use it in a wide variety of culinary preparations. On the other hand, mushrooms always add a special touch to the dish. Would you like to cook these delicious mushroom chicken recipes?

In this article, we offer you two easy recipes that will allow you to enjoy the perfect combination of these healthy ingredients.

Chicken and mushrooms

Chicken and mushrooms are two widely recommended ingredients in all types of diets. Indeed, these are nutritious and low-fat foods whose mixture is absolutely tasty.

Chicken meat

Chicken meat is the queen of poultry, not only because of its versatility and flavor, but also because  its nutritional properties make it suitable for all types of diets. In addition, it is easy to digest.

Indeed, chicken is a meat low in fat, but which provides enough protein. It also provides minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium and cobalt. As well as vitamins B6 and B12.

The mushrooms

For their part, mushrooms are rich in antioxidants, B-complex vitamins, and contain phosphorus and potassium. By the way, their caloric content is very low, and 100 g of mushrooms contain 1.8 g of protein. As for their lipid content, it is only 0.3 g (for the same portion of 100 g).

What could be better than combining the benefits of these two ingredients in a delicious and healthy dish? Here are our two recipes, as delicious as they are easy to prepare.

Mushroom Chicken Recipes

Chicken with mushrooms, mustard and thyme

Chicken recipes with mushrooms: chicken, mushrooms and mustard


  • 100 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 chopped onions
  • 4-6 chicken breasts
  • 500 g mushrooms in pieces
  • 150 ml white wine
  • 350 ml chicken broth
  • 100 g mustard
  • 80 g butter
  • 2 g chopped fresh thyme
  • Chopped parsley
  • Salt


  • First, wash the meat well and then salt it.
  • Then, in a deep pan with a lid, pour half of the oil and brown the chicken until lightly browned on each side.
  • Reserve the chicken breasts and the oil then, in the same pan, add the rest of the oil and the mushrooms.
  • Also add salt and brown.
  • Then pour the chopped onions with the mushrooms until you get a golden color as well.
  • Then add the white wine all at once and mix until the alcohol evaporates.
  • Then add the chicken and the broth then cover the pan. Over low heat, simmer the chicken until cooked through.
  • Then add the mustard and the butter and mix again.
  • Finally, sprinkle with parsley and thyme. Your chicken with mushrooms, thyme and mustard is ready to be served!

Chicken recipes with mushrooms and peppers

Chicken recipes with mushrooms: chicken, mushrooms and peppers


  • 600 g chicken (breast or thigh) cut into pieces
  • 400 g mushrooms, cut in half
  • 2 chopped red peppers
  • 3 mixed tomatoes
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 6 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 1/3 tablespoon of sugar


  • To start, fry the chicken pieces in a large pan with a lid, a little oil, until golden brown on each side.
  • Then remove the chicken and add the rest of the oil, peppers and onion then brown everything.
  • Then add the mushrooms and simmer until there is no more juice.
  • Now is the time to bring the chicken back in and mix everything together. Then pour in the white wine all at once and wait for the alcohol to evaporate.
  • Finally add the tomato, salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar and cook for about 20-25 minutes.
  • If you want,  you can also add nutmeg to add more flavor to your chicken and mushroom recipe.

As you can see, the recipes we offer are highly nutritious and easy to prepare. These are ideal options that will appeal to the whole family. You can accompany them with a serving of quinoa or rice  and you will get a perfectly complete dish.

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