12 Tips For Having Beautiful Eyebrows

Do you want to have beautiful eyebrows? Discover here 12 tips to get there and thus have the most beautiful looks. Take notes !

The eyebrows are an interesting part of our face. The eyebrows have a very specific and very important function. This is why we give you here tips for having beautiful eyebrows.

The eyebrows protect our eyes from rain, sweat, solar radiation and other harmful agents like dust.

1. Never fully pluck your eyebrows

A common mistake is to pluck your eyebrows completely and remove them. This can obviously be very dangerous, and completely inadvisable from an aesthetic point of view.

First of all, remember that the eyebrows are an indispensable part of our anatomy, the main function of which is to protect our eyes. This is the reason why you should not eliminate them. And redrawing them never gives good results.

2. To have beautiful eyebrows, retouch their base

You can of course pluck your eyebrows by following a model or a style adapted to your physiognomy and their own characteristics. In this case, we recommend that you give them a shape by retouching their base or internal part.

You will achieve this easily. Place a brush vertically to the left or right of your nose; then, taking the brush as a reference, remove the hairs that are between the line indicated by the brush and your other eyebrow.

3. Beware of certain beauty products

Eyebrow balm

Many women use beauty products which can be harmful. For your eyebrows, we therefore suggest that you avoid products of poor quality or that give poor results.

Instead, consult a real specialist who can give you sound advice. It should be considered that sometimes, even if the aesthetic aspect pleases you, it can involve certain risks.

4. Use good quality cosmetics and makeup

If you want to use a beauty treatment or make-up, choose it of very good quality. Some brands have proven themselves.

These are sometimes expensive products, but also a guarantee for our eyebrows!

5. Use a moisturizer or cream that accelerates their growth.

Some creams stimulate hair growth. You can even make homemade creams from natural products.

For example, you can mix castor oil with gallic acid, a composition that accelerates eyebrow growth. Olive oil is also a good option.

6. Clean your eyebrows well

Like any other part of the body, you should clean or wash your eyebrows when you take a bath. You can wash them with regular soap.

Be careful to rub them gently and to rinse them well so as not to leave any traces of soap, because in the long run the remains of soap can damage them and cause them to fall.

7. To have beautiful eyebrows, pluck them after the shower

Plucked eyebrows

A good tip: pluck your eyebrows after showering with warm or hot water. Thus the pores of the skin will be dilated and the hair removal will not cause redness.

Make sure that the instruments you use are clean and in good condition. Otherwise, an infection could occur!

8. For beautiful eyebrows, use a tonic after waxing

After plucking your eyebrows, use a tonic to moisturize and smooth them well. V

You can also apply some honey to them. This will prevent them from getting irritated or even becoming infected, as a tonic has a bactericidal effect.

9. Smooth your eyebrows with moisturizer

Smooth your brows without the use of chemicals that often make your brows look starched.

In such a case, use a little moisturizer to smooth your eyebrows and set them for a while.

10. Style your eyebrows

By styling your eyebrows with a soft brush, you will stimulate their growth. It is also a way of removing weakened or isolated hairs.

Styling the eyebrows is also an aesthetic gesture: they will be more disciplined and prettier!

11. A balanced diet helps to have beautiful eyebrows

An important tip: eat a balanced diet.

When we eat properly, our general condition improves and every part of our body reflects this.

12. Get advice from a specialist if necessary

Do not neglect your eyebrows: if necessary, do not hesitate to seek advice from a specialist.

Don’t take things lightly and don’t think of your eyebrows as something secondary and of little importance!

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