12 Benefits Of Eating Granola For Breakfast Every Day

Granola provides us with a large amount of beneficial nutrients that keep us full. In addition, thanks to its fiber intake, it balances intestinal function and prevents constipation.

Granola breakfast is all the rage. Not just because it’s delicious, but also because it’s one of the healthiest, most nutritious, and energy-efficient breakfasts we can have. It is suitable for everyone and has many health benefits.

In this article, find out why you should eat granola for breakfast every day. You will thus feel full of energy and vitality throughout the day.

Having granola for breakfast is the best option

Granola is an excellent food because it has very complete nutritional values.

It’s high in slow-absorbing carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and healthy fats. As well as a wide variety of nutrients. For this reason, its regular consumption brings us the following health benefits:

1. It gives energy


  • It is ideal for combating fatigue, as well as in times of stress and convalescence. Because it gives us a lot of energy and vitality.
  • Also ideal for those who suffer from disorders such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.

2. It keeps us from snacking all the time

  • It is a very satiating food which also balances blood sugar levels.
  • It is therefore the best choice for those who want to avoid being hungry in the morning or for those who are on a weight loss diet.

3. It improves the blood balance

Eating sugar-free granola for breakfast helps us naturally regulate high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Visit this article: 5 Natural Remedies To Lower Cholesterol

4. It promotes bowel function

Thanks to its high fiber content, granola promotes good intestinal function, prevents constipation and other digestive disorders.

You should, of course, also drink plenty of water throughout the day to aid in fiber digestion.

5. It calms the nerves

Oats, seeds and nuts all have the excellent property of balancing the nervous system. Which can help reduce certain disorders such as anxiety, nervousness, stress or depression.

6. It reactivates the immune defenses

If you eat granola every day, especially during times of seasonal changes, stress, or when you are feeling more vulnerable, you will help strengthen your immune system.

You will also strengthen the immune system against any pathogen in a natural way and without having to take any supplements or medications.

7. It maintains a young and healthy brain


The wide variety of nutrients provided by granola, including antioxidants, play a key role in taking care of the brain and neurological functions that suffer from deterioration over time.

This will prevent memory or concentration problems, among others.

8. It is food for beauty

Beauty depends, to a large extent, on food. If you consume vitamins and minerals, you will have beautiful and healthy hair, skin and nails.

When you suffer from nutritional deficiency, you start to suffer from hair loss, eczema, etc. Granola is the perfect multivitamin supplement.

9. It takes care of the health of the liver

The liver, an organ that suffers a lot from poor nutrition, pollution and negative emotions. It therefore benefits from certain foods such as granola, rich in amino acids.

These nutrients stimulate liver function to produce lecithin, which helps flush toxins from the body.

10. It activates the thyroid

Oats are a cereal rich in minerals, including iodine. It has the virtue of activating the thyroid function. It is therefore essential to prevent and treat hypothyroidism naturally.

This will improve many symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, hair loss, and a tendency to gain weight.

11. It strengthens the bones

Granola stands out for its high calcium content, especially if you add sesame and almonds. This makes it an ideal food for strengthening bones and teeth and preventing osteoporosis.

It is therefore ideal for those who do not consume dairy products.

12. It is food for all

The best thing about granola is that it is suitable for everyone, young and old, athletes, pregnant or breastfeeding women, etc.

If we make our own granola, we can also make sure that it does not contain sugar, lactose or gluten, if we are intolerant or if we follow a special diet.

Although it is a very nutritious food, it is also suitable for people who are on a weight loss diet. Thanks to its high fiber content and its ability to regulate sugar.

However, those who are too thin may also find it helpful to gain weight through healthy eating.

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