11 Bad Daily Habits That Harm Our Brain

In addition to being dangerous for our lungs, tobacco reduces our brain mass, and the oxygen supply for our brain, thus promoting the appearance neurodegenerative diseases.

Our brain is an extremely important organ. You don’t understand what is happening to you. You feel tired, you cannot concentrate, and you suffer from forgetfulness.

Oddly enough, this only happens when you wake up early and don’t eat anything until the end of the day, or when you’re doubly stressed at work.

Indeed, you forget to take care of an essential part of your body: your brain.

All of our actions have more or less an impact on our body. So, certain well-defined habits hinder the proper functioning of our brain. They can also be detrimental to its structure.

So if we repeat these behaviors day after day, and do so for years, can you imagine what happens? So your own habits take care of slowly killing your brain!

But don’t worry, you still have time to improve your brain and physical health by changing your lifestyle. So in this article we will tell you about those terrible daily habits that harm your brain.

Our brain and us

Our brain is an extremely complex and delicate organ that is directly or indirectly involved in all physical processes.

Thus, the brain regulates homeostatic functions such as the beating of the heart, the proportion of fluids, blood pressure, hormonal balance and body temperature.

It is also responsible for movement, cognition, learning, memory and also emotions.

It should come as no surprise then that our way of life can have a great influence on its functioning and, consequently, on our health in general.

According to numerous scientific reports, the way we conduct our existence can, in the longer or shorter term, harm our brain cells and their functions. It can also promote the development of certain degenerative diseases and many other conditions.

On the other hand, positive behaviors such as eating well or exercising well stimulate our brain and maintain its health.

So let’s get down to business and see what are the 11 bad daily habits that harm our brain.

11 bad daily habits that harm our brains

1. Do not eat breakfast

bad habits that harm our brain: not eating breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Indeed, it is he who determines our performance, our resistance and our emotional state.

During the first hours of the day, our brain needs nutrients to continue to “direct” physiological processes after the long fast to which it has been subjected.

If we don’t get him what he needs, he will be forced to use the reserves. But also to make an extra effort to continue to function properly.

Skipping breakfast can cause general fatigue, lack of concentration, and memory loss. It can also generate a bad mood and a weakening of the physical and intellectual state. So eat a substantial and healthy breakfast!

2. Smoke

The hateful habit of smoking dramatically reduces brain mass and oxygen supply to the brain, and has been shown to promote the development of vegetative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.

On the other hand, heterocyclic amines that are released when a cigarette is burned interfere with DNA sequences and cause mutations that cancer cells.

3. A lot of sugar

The predominance of flour and refined sugars, fried foods and cold meats in our diet with insufficient consumption of vegetables, fruits and fiber promotes the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, the development of tumors.

It will also interfere with the functioning of the immunological system; as a result, you may suffer from malnutrition and slow neurodevelopment.

4. Constant exposure to pollution

Our brain needs a continuous supply of oxygen, but various toxic substances can interfere with the exchange of gases, in the transport and absorption process of oxygen by cells and thus cause a decrease in capacity. cerebral.

5. Sleep little

bad habits that harm our brain: sleep little

You need to get 8 hours of sleep a day so that your brain can rest, to promote metabolic transformations to produce the necessary energy, and to allow cell renewal.

Lack of sleep predicts brain cell death in the short term. As a result, you are going to feel tired throughout the day and in a bad mood.

6. Overeating

Consuming foods that our body does not need leads to the accumulation of excess substances in the form of fat and contributes to the gradual hardening of the arteries in the brain which can no longer perform their function properly.

7. Alcohol

Alcohol can damage all organs, primarily the nervous system, liver, and heart, and can interfere with chemical reactions in the brain. In addition, alcoholism kills neurons and reduces the speed of transmission of nerve impulses between them.

8. Violent reactions or premature stress

Stress causes multiple reactions in our nervous system, some of them leading to a decrease in our mental capacities, and increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

9. Cover your head to sleep

bad habits that harm our brain: Covering your head to sleep

Sleeping with your head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decreases the concentration of oxygen, which can be harmful to the brain.

10. Exhaust your brain while you are sick

Working or studying for a long time when you are sick is harmful because the body is busy deploying all its energy to heal. Forcing your brain to work in such conditions can reduce its possibilities, and furthermore weaken your immune system even further and facilitate the onset of all kinds of diseases.

11. A lack of stimulation and mental activity

Nothing stimulates our brains as much as thinking, having intelligent conversations, reading a book, or doing a crossword puzzle. All of these activities increase our learning capacity and memory, as well as the speed of reaction.

One last tip

Take care of your brain by adopting a healthy lifestyle:

  • Eat properly by getting used to eating fruits and vegetables that stimulate brain activity. We also recommend that you consume fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids that promote communication between neurons.
  • Consuming three or four cups of tea or coffee will improve your memory. And reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid the use of drugs, tobacco or alcohol.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Flood your brain with positive thoughts!

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